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1. Fundamentals of Python
1. About Python Tutorial
Learn the basics of Python programming with our comprehensive tutorial. From data types and variables to functions and modules, our step-by-step guide will help you master the popular programming language. Perfect for beginners, this tutorial is designed to provide a solid foundation for building your Python skills. Start coding today with our easy-to-follow guide!
2. What is Python?
Learn about the popular programming language Python and its uses in this comprehensive tutorial. Discover the basics of syntax, data types, and more. Perfect for beginners or those looking to expand their skills.
3. Important Points about Python
4. Core characteristics Python
5. Data Science Libraries
6. R and Python
2. Overview of Python
1. Python History
2. Python Features
3. Python2 vs Python3
3. Python Environment Setup
1. How to install python setup
Learn step-by-step how to install the Python programming language on your computer with our comprehensive "Python Setup" tutorial. From downloading the latest version to configuring your environment, this guide will walk you through the entire process. Perfect for beginners and experts alike, this tutorial is essential for anyone looking to start coding with Python.
2. Python IDLE IDE
Learn how to use the Python IDLE IDE with our comprehensive tutorial. Our guide covers everything from basic installation to advanced features, making it the perfect resource for both beginners and experienced programmers. Whether you're new to Python or looking to improve your skills, our tutorial has something for everyone. Boost your productivity and take your Python programming to the next level with our easy-to-follow tutorial.
3. How to install pycharm
4. Install Jupyter Notebook
4. Variable in Python
1. Python Variables
2. Python Constant
3. User Input in Python
4. Python Variable Introduction
5. Data Types in Python
1. Python Datatypes Introduction
2. Types casting in Python
Types casting in Python
6. Decision Making of Python
1. Flow of execution
Flow of execution
2. Python if else
3. Nested if else in python
4. Python in Keyword
Python in Keyword
7. Loop control in Python
1. Python While Loops
Python While Loops
2. Python For Loop
3. Infinite Loop in Python Language
Python Infinite Loop
4. Break Statement in Python
5. Continue Statement
6. Python Nested Loops
Python Nested Loops
8. Python List
1. Add elements to the list
Add elements to the list
2. Remove elements from the list
Remove elements from the list
3. Python List Built-in functions
Python List Builtin functions
4. Update Lists
Update Lists
5. Python List
In this section we will discuss about python lists
6. Python Array
Python Array
9. Python Dictionary
1. Python Dictionary
Python Dictionary
2. Python Dictionary Methods
Python Dictionary Methods
10. Python Tuples
1. Python Tuples
Python Tuples
2. Access Tuple Elements
Access Tuple Elements
3. Delete Tuple Elements
Delete Tuple Elements
4. Change a Tuple Element
Change a Tuple Element
11. Python Set
1. Python Set
Python Set
12. Python Function
1. Python Iterator
Python Iterator
2. Python Generators
Python Generators
3. range() function
range() function
4. Python Function
In this section we will discuss about Python Function
13. Python Module
1. Python random module
In this section we will discuss about Python random module
2. Python Module
Python Module
14. Coroutine in Python
1. Defining a Coroutine in Python
Defining a Coroutine in Python
15. Python Date
1. Python Date
Python Date
16. Python Work with Files
1. Open Read and Write
2. CSV
17. Python Classes and Objects
1. Python Introduction to OOP
Python Introduction to OOP
2. Python Decorator
Python Decorator
3. Python Context Manager
Python Context Manager
4. Create Objects in Python
Create Objects in Python
5. __init__ method
__init__ method
6. self method in python
self method in python
7. Context Manager in Python
Context Manager in Python
8. Class Methods in Python
Class Methods
9. Static Method in python
Static Method in python
18. Inheritance in Python
1. Inheritance in Python
Inheritance in Python
19. Polymorphism in Python
1. Polymorphism in Python
Polymorphism in Python
20. Abstraction and Encapsulation
1. Abstraction and Encapsulation
Abstraction and Encapsulation
2. Abstract Base Classes in Python
Abstract Base Classes in Python
3. Abstract Class in Python
Abstract Class in Python
21. Python Exception handling
1. Exception handling python
Exception handling
2. User Defined Exceptions
In this section you will learn about User Defined Exceptions in python
22. Python Unit Test
1. Problem 1 - Unit Testing using unittest in Python
Problem 1 - Unit Testing using unittest in Python
2. Problem 2 - Unit Testing using unittest in Python
Problem 2 - Unit Testing using unittest in Python
3. Problem 3 - Unit Testing using unittest in Python
Problem 3 - Unit Testing using unittest in Python
4. Problem 1 - Unit Testing using doctest in Python
Problem 1 - Unit Testing using doctest in Python
5. Problem 2 - Unit Testing using doctest in Python
Problem 2 - Unit Testing using doctest in Python
6. Python Qualis - Pytest Testing Framework
Python Qualis - Pytest Testing Framework
7. Python Qualis - Nose Testing Framework
Python Qualis - Nose Testing Framework
23. Probability and Statistics Using Python
1. Statistical Measures
Statistical Measures
2. Statistics using Python
Statistics using Python
3. Statistics Data
Statistics Data
4. Permutations
5. Hands On: Probability and Statistics -2
Probability and Statistics -2
6. Hands-on - average, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, and Interquartile range
Hands-on - average, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, and Interquartile range
7. Hands On: Probability and Statistics -3
Hands On: Probability and Statistics -3
8. Non-mutually Exclusive Events - Python Example
Non-mutually Exclusive Events - Python Example
9. Hands On: Probability and Statistics -4
Hands On: Probability and Statistics -4
10. Hands On - Probability and Statistics -5 - Non-mutually Exclusive Events
Hands On - Probability and Statistics -5 - Non-mutually Exclusive Events
24. Python Assignments
1. Descriptors Hands on
Descriptors Hands on
2. Coding - Chairs Requirement
Coding - Chairs Requirement
3. Http Status codes
Http Status codes
4. Danglo code
Danglo code
5. Data Structures in Pandas
25. Python Database Connectivity
1. Database Connectivity 1- Connect to Database and create Table
Python Database Connectivity
2. Database Connectivity 2 - Insert records in table
Database Connectivity 2 - Insert records in table
3. Database Connectivity 3 - Select records from table
Database Connectivity 3 - Select records from table
4. Database Connectivity 4 - Update records
Database Connectivity 4 - Update records
5. Database Connectivity 5- Delete records
Database Connectivity 5- Delete records