Unit Testing with unittest in Python: Problem 2 and Solutions
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2. Problem 2 - Unit Testing using unittest in Python
Complete the definition of class 'Circle' with the following specifications:
• Define class method '_init_' which initializes a circle with attribute 'radius' having the following restrictions: • 'radius' must be a numeric value. If not, raise TypeError with error message "radius must be a number".
• 'radius' must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive on both sides. If not, raise ValueError with error message "radius must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive".
• Define class method 'area' which must compute the area of a circle, and return the value rounded off to 2 decimals.
Hint: Use 'pi' value from 'math' module.
• Define class method 'circumference' which must compute the circumference of a circle, and return the value rounded off to 2 decimals. Hint: Use 'pi' value from 'math' module.
Complete the definition of class 'TestCircleArea' which tests the behavior of the 'area' method, as specified:
• Define test method 'test_circlearea_with_random_numeric_radius' which creates a circle 'c1' with radius 2.5, and checks if its computed area matches the value 19.63.
• Define test method 'test_circlearea_with_min_radius' which creates a circle 'c2' with radius 0, and checks if its computed area matches the value 0.
• Define test method 'test_circlearea_with_max_radius' which creates a circle 'c3' with radius 1000, and checks if its computed area matches the value 3141592.65.
import inspect import re import unittest import math class Circle: def __init__(self, radius): # Define initialization method: if not isinstance(radius, (int, float)): raise TypeError("radius must be a number") if not 0 <= radius <= 1000: raise ValueError("radius must be between 0 and 1000 inclusive") self.radius = radius def area(self): # Define area functionality: return round(math.pi * self.radius**2, 2) def circumference(self): # Define circumference functionality: return round(2 * math.pi * self.radius, 2) class TestCircleArea(unittest.TestCase): def test_circlearea_with_random_numeric_radius(self): # Define a circle 'c1' with radius 2.5, and check if # its area is 19.63. c1 = Circle(2.5) self.assertEqual(c1.area(), 19.63) def test_circlearea_with_min_radius(self): # Define a circle 'c2' with radius 0, and check if # its area is 0. c2 = Circle(0) self.assertEqual(c2.area(), 0) def test_circlearea_with_max_radius(self): # Define a circle 'c3' with radius 1000, and check if # its area is 3141592.65. c3 = Circle(1000) self.assertEqual(c3.area(), 3141592.65) if __name__ == '__main__': fptr = open('output.txt', 'w') runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(fptr) unittest.main(testRunner=runner, exit=False) fptr.close() with open('output.txt') as fp: output_lines = fp.readlines() pass_count = [ len(re.findall(r'\.', line)) for line in output_lines if (line.startswith('.') or line.startswith('E') or line.startswith('F')) and line.endswith('\n')] pass_count = pass_count[0] print(str(pass_count)) doc1 = inspect.getsource(TestCircleArea.test_circlearea_with_random_numeric_radius) doc2 = inspect.getsource(TestCircleArea.test_circlearea_with_min_radius) doc3 = inspect.getsource(TestCircleArea.test_circlearea_with_max_radius) assert1_count = len(re.findall(r'assertEqual', doc1)) print(str(assert1_count)) assert1_count = len(re.findall(r'assertEqual', doc2)) print(str(assert1_count)) assert1_count = len(re.findall(r'assertEqual', doc3)) print(str(assert1_count))