
In this English subject we will discuss about various types MCQ, article, prepositions, error detections etc

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  • 1. By or With

    10 MCQ Start Quiz    10

    2. By or Until

    10 MCQ Start Quiz    10

    3. until, by the time, no later/earlier than

    10 MCQ Start Quiz    10

    4. to, on, about

    7 MCQ    7

    5. to, for

    30 MCQ Start Quiz    30

    6. Get or Take

    10 MCQ Start Quiz    10

    7. all, most, some, none

    12 MCQ Start Quiz    12

    8. many, much

    9 MCQ    9

    9. a lot of, few, little

    7 MCQ    7

    10. somebody, something


    11. Fixed preposition

    70 MCQ Start Quiz    70

    12. Nouns

    5 MCQ    5

    13. Types of Sentences

    19 MCQ Start Quiz    19

    14. Irregular Comparison of Adjectives


    15. am, is, are

    15 MCQ Start Quiz    15

    16. was, were

    10 MCQ Start Quiz    10

    17. as, an, for

    20 MCQ Start Quiz    20

    1. Vocabulary Test Part 1

    65 MCQ Start Quiz    65

    2. Sound produced by Animals

    52 MCQ Start Quiz    52

    3. Word Rearrange Quiz

    20 MCQ Start Quiz    20

    4. Jumbled Word

    30 MCQ Start Quiz    30

    5. Jumbled Words - Vegetables Name

    20 MCQ Start Quiz    20

    6. Synonymous

    48 MCQ Start Quiz    48


    •  Sections: 3  Sub Sections: 23
    •  Total MCQ: 479
    •  Course Duration: 00:00:00
    •  Language: English
    • ₹ 99 ₹ 99 0% OFF