C Programming Language Video Bangla Syllabus

Subject Details

  1. Introduction

1. C Programming Language Video Tutorial

2. Imperative programming language

3. Purpose of C Programming Language

4. Is C programming language High Level or Middle Level

5. Why c program called Middle Level Programming language?

6. Why c program called structure oriented Programming language?

7. English vs Computer Language

  2. Compilation Process

1. What is Compiler?

2. How program convert high level language to low level language

3. Compilation Process

  3. Environment Setup

1. Essential Software for c programming

2. Download software, installation, compilation process

3. Hello world! program in C

4. printf and scanf function in C

  4. Variables in C

1. Variable in c

2. Variable Definition and Initializing

3. Rules for naming c variables

  5. Datatypes in C

1. Datatypes in C

  6. Operators in C

1. Sizeof operator in C

2. C Programming Operator Introduction

3. Pre increment Operator in C

4. Post increment operator in C

5. Pre Decrement operator in C

6. Post Decrement operator in C

7. Arithmetic Operators in C

8. Increment and Decrement operator Example

9. Modulo % operator in C

10. Relational operator in C

11. Bitwise Operator in C

12. Assignment Operator in C

13. Logical Operator in C

14. Conditional Operator in C

15. Miscellaneous Operator in C

  7. Constant in C

1. Basic types of c constants in C

2. Integer constant in C

3. Real constants in C

4. Single character constant in C

  8. C Program Examples

1. C Program to Calculate Area and Circumference of circle

2. C Program to Calculate addition of five different number

3. C Program to Calculate square and cube of a number

4. C Program to Calculate average of three number

5. C Program to Calculate area of a square

6. C Program to Calculate area of rectangle

7. C Program to Calculate area of scalane triangle

8. C Program to Calculate area of right angle triangle

9. C Program to Calculate square root of a number

10. C Program to Calculate area of Equilateral Triangle

11. C Program to Calculate series 1+2+3+4+

12. C Program to Calculate series 1.1 + 2.2 + 3.3 + ...+ N.N

13. C Program to Calculate series 1.1.1 + 2.2.2 + 3.3.3 + ... + N.N.N

14. C Program to Convert celsius into fahrenheit

15. C Program to Convert fahrenheit to celsius

  9. Decision Making in C

1. Decision Making in C

2. If statement in c

3. How to use operators in if statement

4. if else in c

5. Nested if else in c

6. if else Ladder in c

7. Switch case in C

  10. Loop Control Statement in C

1. Loop Control Statement in C

2. Types of Loop in C

3. While loop in C

4. Do While loop in C

5. for loop in C

6. Nested loop in C

7. Sentinel control loop

8. break statement in C

9. continue statement in C

  11. Array in C Programming Language

1. Array in C Programming Language

2. Array initialization and view in c

3. Array Concept of memory in C

4. sizeof() operator in array in c

5. Bound Checking in Array in C

  12. Pointer in C

1. understanding address of variable in c

2. Pointer in C

C Programming Language Video Bangla