Flow of execution in python

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   0000-00-00 00:00:00   394 Share
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There are several types of flow of execution in Python, which are as follows:

  1. Sequential Execution: This is the most basic type of flow of execution, in which the statements in a Python program are executed one after the other, in the order in which they appear in the code.

  2. Conditional Execution: In this type of flow of execution, certain statements are executed only if a certain condition is met. This is achieved using the if statement in Python. If the condition is true, the statements inside the if block are executed, otherwise they are skipped.

  3. Looping Execution: In this type of flow of execution, a certain set of statements are executed repeatedly until a certain condition is met. This is achieved using loops in Python, such as the for and while loops.

  4. Function Call Execution: In this type of flow of execution, a Python program may call one or more functions to perform certain tasks. When a function is called, the flow of execution temporarily jumps to the function definition, executes the statements inside the function, and then returns to the point in the code where the function was called.

  5. Exception Handling Execution: In this type of flow of execution, a Python program may encounter errors or exceptions during execution. To handle these errors gracefully, Python provides the try and except statements, which allow the program to catch and handle exceptions in a controlled manner, rather than simply crashing with an error message.

These are the main types of flow of execution in Python, and they can be combined and nested in various ways to create complex programs. Understanding these different types of flow of execution is essential for writing effective and efficient Python code.