X++ Programming Language Syllabus

Subject Details

  1. Fundamentals of X++ Language

1. Access D365 FO Objects using URL

Access and Run D365 FO Objects using URL

2. ALM Tools and Applications

ALM Tools and Applications

3. About X++ tutorial

About X++ tutorial

4. D365 F&O Technical Interview Questions

D365 F&O Technical Interview Questions

5. Important points about X++

6. AX vs D365

7. D365 Developers and Functional Role

D365 Developers and Functional Role

8. X++ programming interview questions

X++ programming interview questions

9. MorphX development environment

MorphX development environment

10. Debug and troubleshoot X++ code

Debug and troubleshoot X++ code

11. Debug Code using Find All References - D365 - Visual Studio

Debug Code using Find All References - D365 - Visual Studio

12. Microsoft D365 F&O related certification name

Microsoft D365 F&O related certification name

  2. Overview of X++ Language

1. History of X++

2. Hello World in X++ Programming Language

Hello World in X++ Programming Language

3. Versions

4. Artificial Intelligence in Dynamics 365

Artificial Intelligence in Dynamics 365

  3. Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

1. How to check version of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations in Developer VM

How to check version of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations in Developer VM

2. Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps

In this section we will learn about Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations apps

3. Finance and operations apps

In this section you will learn about Finance and operations apps

4. UI and Navigation in D365

In this section we will learn about Basic UI and Navigation in D365

  4. D365 Development Environment

1. Application Object Tree (AOT)

Application Object Tree (AOT)

2. How to create a new project in D365 F&O

How to create a new project in D365 F&O

3. How to create a new model in D365 F&O

How to create a new model in D365 F&O

  5. Data Types in X++ Language

1. utcdatetime Data Type in X++

utcdatetime Data Type

2. var vs anytype in x++

var vs anytype in x++

3. Data Types Introduction in X++

4. Extended Data Types (EDTs) in X++

Extended Data Types (EDTs)

5. Primitive Data Types in X++

6. Composite Data Types

7. Benefits of using EDTs

Benefits of using EDTs

8. Base enums in D365 F&O

Base enums in D365 F&O

  6. Variables in X++ Language

1. Use const values in X++

Use const values

2. Variable Introduction in X++

Variable Declaration and Initialization in X++ Programming Language

3. var in x++ Programming Language

var in x++ Programming Language

4. anytype in x++ Programming Language

anytype in x++ Programming Language

5. date in x++ Programming Language

date in x++ Programming Language

6. Scope of a variable x++ Programming language

scope of a variable x++ Programming language

7. User input X++ Programing Language

how to take user input x++ programing language

  7. Constants in X++ Language

1. Constant Introduction

  8. Operators and Enums in X++ Language

1. Assignment operators in X++ Programming Language

Assignment operators in X++ Programming Language

2. Arithmetic operators in X++ Programming Language

Arithmetic operators in X++ Programming Language

3. Relational operators in X++ Programming Language

Relational operators in X++ Programming Language

4. Ternary operator in X++ Programming Language

Ternary operator in X++ Programming Language

5. Operator Precedence in X++ Programming Language

Operator Precedence in X++ Programming Language

6. String Concatenation Operator in X++

String Concatenation Operator

7. Case Sensitivity of the == Operator

Case Sensitivity of the == Operator

8. Operator Introduction in X++

  9. Decision Making in X++ Language

1. Decision Making Introduction in X++

2. if statement in X++

3. if else statement in X++

4. if else ladder in X++

5. Nested if else in X++

6. switch case in X++

  10. Loop control in X++ Language

1. Loop Introduction in X++ Language

2. Do while loops in X++ Languague

do while loop example in X++ Programming Language

3. While Loops in X++ Languague

while loop example in X++ Programming Language

4. For Loop in X++ Language

  11. D365 F&O System Form Information

1. Deliver Remainder Form in X++

D365 F&O System Table Information

  12. Control Flow in X++ Programming

1. break statement in X++ Programming

2. continue statement

  13. Array in X++ Language

1. Array of objects

Array of objects

2. Fixed length Array - X++ Programming Language - D365 F&O

Fixed length Array - X++ Programming Language - D365 F&O

3. Array Introduction

Array in x++ programming language

  14. String & String functions in X++ Language

1. strCmp Function in X++

strCmp Function

2. Removing Alphabetic Characters from a String

Removing Alphabetic Characters from a String

3. String Introduction

  15. Lists in X++ Language

1. Merge Lists in X++ Language

Merge Lists in X++ Language

2. RecordInsertList in X++

RecordInsertList in D365 FO X++ Language

3. Lists in X++ Language

Lists in X++ Language

  16. Set in D365 F&O - X++ code

1. Set in D365 F&O - X++ code

Set in D365 F&O - X++ code

2. Set Operations in D365 F&O - X++ code

Set Operations in D365 F&O - X++ code

  17. Map in D365 F&O - X++ Code

1. Map in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Map in D365 F AND O - X plus plus Code

2. Access Table Record using Map in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Access Table Record using Map in D365 F&O - X++ Code

  18. Container

1. Container Introduction

2. ConPeek() Function

3. ConPoke() Function

4. ConIns() Function

5. Insert Operator +=

6. ConFind() Function

7. ConLen() Function

8. Container Retrieval Example

9. ConDel() Function

10. ConNull() Function

11. Con2Str() Function

12. Str2con() Function

13. ConView() Function

  19. Function in X++ Language

1. Create and Use Methods

Create and Use Methods

2. Function Introduction

  20. D365 F&O Menu Item

1. D365 F&O Menu Item

D365 F&O Menu Item

2. Display menu item - D365 F&O

Display menu item - D365 F&O

  21. X++ File Based Operations - Excel, CSV

1. Export CSV File - D365 F and O - X++ Code

Export CSV File - D365 F and O - X++ Code

2. Import CSV File - D365 F and O - X++ Code

Import CSV File - D365 F and O - X++ Code

3. Export Excel File in X++ Programming Language

Export Excel File in X++ Programming Language

4. File Introduction

5. CSV File Operations

  22. OOP Concepts

1. IS keyword and AS keyword

IS keyword and AS keyword

2. Value based comparison in X++

Value based comparison in X++

3. Class Introduction

4. Access Modifier

Access Modifier

5. Constructor in x++

Constructor in x++

6. setter and getter method

7. static Method

8. Static and vs Dynamic method

Static and vs Dynamic method: What is the difference between a static and a dynamic method?

9. Finalize method in X++ Programming Language

Finalize method in X++ Programming Language

10. Accessor Keywords in X++ Programming Language - D365

Accessor Keywords in X++ Programming Language - D365

11. Inheritance in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Inheritance in D365 F&O - X++ Code

12. Inheritance - Constructor Overridden - X++ Code

Inheritance - Constructor Overridden - X++ Code

13. Inheritance - Method Overridden - X++ Code

Inheritance - Method Overridden - X++ Code

14. Multilevel Inheritance in X++ Programming Language - D365 Finance and Operation

Multilevel Inheritance in X++ Programming Language - D365 Finance and Operation

15. Hierarchical Inheritance in X++ language

Hierarchical Inheritance in X++ language

16. Abstract Class in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Abstract Class in D365 F&O - X++ Code

17. Interfaces in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Interfaces in D365 F&O - X++ Code

  23. Display method in D365 F&O

1. Display method in D365 F&O

Display method in D365 F&O

2. Keep the code in display methods to a minimum

Keep the code in display methods to a minimum

3. Caching Display Methods

Caching Display Methods

4. How to Caching Display Methods - Old Way Of Caching

How to Caching Display Methods

5. How to Caching Display Methods - New Way Of Caching

How to Caching Display Methods - New Way Of Caching

  24. Errors and Exceptions

1. Posting Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Posting Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

2. Exceptions in X++ Example

Exceptions in X++ Example

3. System.DivideByZeroException: 'Attempted to divide by zero. how to catch this error in x++ d365 f&o

System.DivideByZeroException: 'Attempted to divide by zero. how to catch this error in x++ d365 f&o

4. An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record.

An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record.
Figure: An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record.

5. Errors and Exceptions in X++

Errors and Exceptions in X++

6. Numeric Exception in D365 - X++ Code

Numeric Exception in D365 - X++ Code

  25. D365 F&O Table

1. Indexes in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365FO)

Indexes in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365FO)

2. D365 Table Introduction

3. Table Groups in D365 F&O

Table Groups in D365 F&O

4. How to create a Table in D365 F&O

How to create a Table in D365 F&O

5. Table Properties in D365 F&O

Table Properties in D365 F&O

6. TableType Property - Tables in D365

TableType Property - Tables in D365

7. Types of Table Cardinality in D365 F&O

Types of Table Cardinality in D365 F and O

8. Table Delete Action in D365 F&O

Table Delete Action in D365 F&O

9. Cascade Delete Action in Table D365 F&O

Cascade Delete Action in Table D365 F and O

10. Restricted Delete Action in Table D365 F&O

Restricted Delete Action in Table D365 F and O

11. Cascade + Restricted Delete Action in Table D365 F&O

Cascade + Restricted Delete Action in Table D365 F and O

12. Table Methods

13. Method calling sequence of table in D365 F&O

Method calling sequence of table in D365 F&O

14. Access the data of a table

Access the data of a table

  26. Data Entities

1. Access Data entity through URL X++ Code

Access Data entity through URL X++ Code

2. What is Data entities?

What is Data entities?

3. Data Entity Example

Data Entity Example

4. Use of Data Entities

Use of Data Entities

5. Categories for Data Entities in D365

Categories for Data Entities in D365

6. How to Create Data Entities?

How to Create Data Entities?

7. How to Create Data Entity - Using Addins or wizard

How to Create Data Entity - Using Addins or wizard

8. Data Management Concepts in D365 F&O

Data Management Concepts

  27. D365 F&O Table - Relationship

1. Relationship type

relationship type NotSpecified Association Composition Link Specialization Aggregation

2. Table Relations in D365

Table Relations in D365

3. Normal Table Relations in D365

Normal Table Relations in D365

4. Field Fixed Table Relations in D365

Field Fixed Table Relations in D365

5. Related Field Fixed - Table Relation - D365 F&O

Related Field Fixed - Table Relation - D365 F&O

6. Foreign Key Relationship in D365 F&O

Foreign Key Relationship in D365 F&O

  28. D365 F&O Table - Delete Actions

  29. D365 F&O System Table Information

1. SalesTable in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O)

SalesTable in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O)

2. MarkupTrans Table in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O)

MarkupTrans Table in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O)

3. InventDim Table Insights for Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations

InventDim Table Insights for Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations

4. SalesLine in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O)

SalesLine in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (D365 F&O)

  30. Event and Event Handler in D365 F&O

1. What is Event Examples in D365 F&O

Event handlers Examples

2. Event Handler for Table

Event Handler for Table

3. Event Handler for Form

Event Handler for Form

4. Event Handler for Form Datasource

Event handler for Form Datasource

5. Event handler for Form Data Field

Event handler for Form Data Field

6. Event Handler for Class

Event Handler for Class

7. Table Extension Event in d365 F&O

Table Extension Event in d365 F&O

  31. Table Extensions in D365 F&O

1. Table Extensions in D365 F&O

Table Extensions in D365 F&O

  32. Data Selection and Manipulation

1. RecordInsertList - Enhancing insert

Learn how to enhance bulk data insert operations in Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations using the RecordInsertList class in X++. Discover best practices for improving performance and efficiency in your D365 FO environment.

2. Custom Scripts - X++ - D365 F&O

Learn how to create and optimize custom scripts in X++ for Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365 F&O). Explore best practices, programming techniques, and advanced tips to enhance your D365 F&O development skills.

3. Data Selection and Manipulation

Learn the essential techniques for data selection and manipulation in X++ within Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations. This comprehensive guide covers methods, best practices, and examples to enhance your development skills in D365 F&O.

4. Select statement in X++

Select statement in X++

5. Delete data in X++

Delete data in X++

6. Insert Data using X++

Insert Data using X++

7. Examples Insert Data in Table

8. Data Updation in Table

9. update method in D365 F&O

update method in D365 F and O

10. doUpdate method in D365 F&O

doUpdate method in D365 F and O

11. update_recordset statement D365 F&O

update_recordset statement D365 F and O

12. Examples Data Deletion in Table using X++

13. Join or Inner Join in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Join or Inner Join in D365 F and O - X++ Code

14. Outer Join in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Outer Join in D365 F&O - X++ Code

15. Exists Join in D365 F and O - X++ Code

Exists Join in D365 F and O - X++ Code

16. Not Exists Join in D365 F and O - X++ Code

Not Exists Join in D365 F and O - X++ Code

17. Crosscompany Keyword in select statement in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Crosscompany Keyword in select statement in D365 F&O - X++ Code

  33. Joins in D365 F&O with X++

1. Joins in D365 F&O

Joins in D365 F and O

  34. Query in D365 F&O - X++ Code

1. AOT Static Query in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Query in D365 F and O - X++ Code

2. Query classes in D365 F&O

Typically, you use the following classes to modify or create queries by code: Query QueryRun QueryBuildDataSource QueryBuildRange

3. Query class example in D365 F&O

Query classe example in D365 F&O

4. How to Create queries in D365 F&O

How to Create queries in D365 F&O

5. How to Create query extension

How to Create query extension

6. Building a query object - Query in D365 F&O - X++ Code

  35. D365 Forms

1. Multi Select Lookup Ctrl in D365 F&O

Multi Select Lookup Ctrl in D365 F&O

2. Single Row Select Lookup Ctrl in D365 F&O

Single Row Select Lookup Ctrl in D365 F&O

3. Form Datasource Methods

Form Datasource Methods

4. Form Method Calling Sequence

Form Method Calling Sequence

5. Dialogue form through X++

Dialogue form through X++

6. Form in D365 finance and operations

Form in D365 finance and operations

7. D365 Forms Types

D365 Forms

8. Apply a Form Pattern and Add a data source to a form

Apply a Form Pattern

9. Set as Startup Object - Test form functionality

Set as Startup Object - Test form functionality

10. Form methods in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Form methods in D365 F&O - X++ Code

11. Form data source field methods in D365 F&O

form data source methods in D365 F&O - X++ Code

12. RunBase framework

RunBase framework

13. RunBase framework - Basic Requirement

RunBase framework - Basic Requirement

14. SysOperation framework

SysOperation framework

15. SysOperation framework - Assignment

SysOperation framework - Assignment

16. RunBase vs SysOperation

RunBase vs SysOperation

  36. Extension framework in D365 F&O

1. Extension framework in D365 F&O

Extension framework in D365 F&O

  37. Chain of Command (COC)- D365 F&O - X++ Code

1. COC for Table

COC for Table

2. COC for Class

COC for Class

3. Chain Of Command In D365

Chain Of Command In D365

4. Extension of a Class method - Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

Extension of a Class method - Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

5. Extension of a form- Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

Extension of a form- Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

6. Extension of a Form Datasource - Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

COC for Form Datasource, Extension of a Form Datasource - Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

7. Extension of a form method - Chain of command - D365 F&O - X++ Code

Extension of a form method - Chain of command - D365 F&O - X++ Code

8. Extension of a form data source field method - Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

Extension of a form data source field method - Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

9. Extension of a form data source method - Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

Extension of a form data source method - Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

10. Extension of a form control method - Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

Extension of a form control method - Chain of command- D365 F&O - X++ Code

11. COC for Data Entity

COC for Data Entity

  38. Data migration to finance and operations apps

1. Prepare data for migration to finance and operations apps

Prepare data for migration to finance and operations apps

  39. Batch jobs in D365 F&O

1. SysOperation framework - Scenario 1: Creating a simple batch

Learn how to create a simple batch job using the SysOperation framework in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. This guide covers the steps for setting up, configuring, and executing batch jobs effectively, ensuring optimal performance in your enterprise applications.

2. SysOperationServiceController - Sample Code

SysOperationServiceController - Sample Code

3. Batch jobs in D365 F&O

Explore the fundamentals of batch jobs in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365 F&O). Learn how to schedule, manage, and optimize batch processing for efficient data handling and task automation, ensuring seamless operations within your organization.

4. showQuerySelectButton


5. showQueryValues


  40. Improving Development Efficiency and Performance

1. Improving Development Efficiency and Performance

Improving Development Efficiency and Performance

2. insert_recordset - Enhancing insert

insert_recordset - Enhancing insert

3. query::insert_recordset - Enhancing insert

query::insert_recordset - Enhancing insert

4. Improving Development Efficiency and Performance - Using extensions

Improving Development Efficiency and Performance - Using extensions

5. Calculating code execution time

Calculating code execution time

6. Writing efficient SQL statements

Writing efficient SQL statements

7. Using event handler - Enhance Efficiency and Performance

Using event handler - Enhance Efficiency and Performance

8. Creating a Delegate method

Creating a Delegate method

9. Introduction to Performance Optimization in D365 F&O

Introduction to Performance Optimization in D365 F&O

10. Identify and apply Table caching

Identify and apply Table caching

11. Create or modify temporary tables to optimize data

Create or modify temporary tables to optimize data

  41. Gold Copy

1. Gold Copy

Gold Copy

  42. Managing Applications in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

1. Managing Applications in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Managing Applications in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

  43. Implement Lifecycle Services (LCS) tools

1. Implement Lifecycle Services (LCS) tools

Implement Lifecycle Services (LCS) tools

  44. SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

1. Report Data Provider Based SSRS Report in D365 F&O - X++ Code

Report Data Provider Based SSRS Report in D365 F&O - X++ Code

2. Deploy SSRS Reports using PowerShell in D365 F&O

Deploy SSRS Reports using PowerShell in D365 F&O

3. Converting Numbers to Words in X++: A Step-by-Step Guide

Converting Numbers to Words in X++: A Step-by-Step Guide

4. SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

5. How to Create SSRS Report - in D365 F&O

How to Create SSRS Report - in D365 F&O

6. Query Based SSRS Report in D365 F&O

Query Based SSRS Report in D365 F&O

7. Report Data Provider Based SSRS Report in D365 F&O

Report Data Provider Based SSRS Report in D365 F&O

8. Create and modify reports by using Excel

Create and modify reports by using Excel

9. Power BI Reports

Power BI Reports

10. Create a Power BI report with Finance and Operations apps data

Create a Power BI report with Finance and Operations apps data

  45. Business event in D365 F&O

1. Business event in D365 F&O

Business event in D365 F&O

2. Business event Assignment 1:

Business event Assignment:

3. Business event Assignment 2:

Business event Assignment 2:

  46. Integration D365 F&O

1. How to send queue message in azure portal using x++ code

How to send queue message in azure portal using x++ code

2. Microsoft Dataverse integrations

Microsoft Dataverse integrations

3. Setup Postman To Call D365 F&O Services

Setup Postman To Call D365 F&O Services

4. Access Data Entity using Postman D365 F&O

Access Data Entity using Postman D365 F&O

5. Creating a custom service

Creating a custom service

6. Authenticating a native client app - using C#

Authenticating a native client app - using C#

7. Synchronous and asynchronous integrations D365 F&O

Synchronous and asynchronous integrations

8. Consume External services

Consume External services

9. Integration patterns

Integration patterns

  47. Multithreading in D365 F&O Batch Jobs - Example 1

1. Contract Class

Contract Class

2. Controller Class

Controller Class

3. Service Class

Service Class

4. Sub Task Controller Class

Sub Task Controller Class

5. Sub Task Contract Class

Sub Task Contract Class

6. Sub Task Service Class

Sub Task Service Class

  48. Multithreading in D365 F&O Batch Jobs - Example 2

1. Controller Class

Controller Class

2. Service Class

Service Class

3. Contract Class

Contract Class

4. Sub Task Service Class

Sub Task Service Class

  49. D365 F&O Functional Tutorial

1. D365 F&O Functional Tutorial

D365 F&O Functional Tutorial

2. General ledger in D365 F&O

General ledger in D365 F&O

3. Legal entities

Legal entities

4. Fiscal Calendar in Dynamics 365 F&O

Fiscal Calendar in Dynamics 365 F&O

5. Number Sequences in Dynamics 365 F&O

Number Sequences in Dynamics 365 F&O

6. Free Text Invoice (FTI) in Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365 F&O)

Free Text Invoice (FTI) in Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365 F&O)

7. Chart of Accounts in Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365 F&O)

Chart of Accounts in Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations (D365 F&O)

  50. Macros in D365 F&O

1. Macros in D365 F&O

Macros in D365 F&O

2. Using a macro in a SQL statement

Using a macro in a SQL statement

  51. Visual Studio

1. How to connect Dev VM to SAND Box Database in D365 F&O

How to connect Dev VM to SAND Box Database in D365 F&O

2. Error While Creating Projects in D365 F&O

Error While Creating Projects in D365 F&O

3. This trace doesn't contain a session which can be analyzed.

This trace doesn't contain a session which can be analyzed.

4. Build Failed in test branch in D365 F&O

Build Failed in test branch

5. Steps to Check in the Descriptor from Dev Environment to Dev Branch

Steps to Check in the Descriptor from Dev Environment to Dev Branch

6. Code Merge from Dev Brach to Test Branch

Code Merge from Dev Brach to Test Branch

  52. X++ Code Documentation and best practices

1. x++ comment

x++ comment

2. Development Guideline - Best Practices - D365 F&O

Learn the best practices for software development with our comprehensive development guideline. Discover expert advice, techniques, and tips to improve code quality, efficiency, and maintainability.

  53. Certification Exam

1. Exam MB-920: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (ERP)

Exam MB-920: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fundamentals (ERP)

2. Exam MB-500: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps Developer

Exam MB-500: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Finance and Operations Apps Developer

3. How to renew the Microsoft Certificates

How to renew the Microsoft Certificates

  54. Testing Tools

1. Testing Tools D365 F&O - X++

Testing Tools

X++ Programming Language

Explore comprehensive X++ programming language tutorials and training resources to master the intricacies of X++ development. From beginner basics to advanced techniques, dive into our curated guides, tips, and hands-on exercises to enhance your proficiency in X++ programming.