Subject Details
1. JavaScript Fundamental
1. JavaScript Fundamental
JavaScript Fundamental
2. How to add JavaScript to html
How to add JavaScript to html
3. Live Server
Live Server
4. Is JavaScript case sensitive?
Is JavaScript case sensitive?
5. Write JavaScript code inside console
Write Javascript code inside console
2. Array in JavaScript
1. Introduction to Array in JavaScript
Array in JavaScript
2. How to create Array in JavaScript
How to create Array in JavaScript
3. JavaScript Data Types
1. JavaScript Primitive Data Types
JavaScript Primitive Data Types
2. Object Data Types in JavaScript
Object Data Types in JavaScript
4. JavaScript Functions
1. Function Declaration
Function Declaration
2. Anonymous function
Anonymous function
3. Named Function Expressions
Named Function Expressions
4. Passing Functions as Arguments to Other Functions
Passing Functions as Arguments to Other Functions
5. Create Functions Conditionally
Create Functions Conditionally
6. Define Functions Within the Scope of Another Function
Define Functions Within the Scope of Another Function
7. Arrow functions
Arrow functions
8. IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
5. Asynchronous JavaScript
1. Synchronous And Asynchronous
Synchronous And Asynchronous
2. Callback functions with Synchronous operation
Callback functions with Synchronous operation
3. Callback functions with an asynchronous operation
Callback functions with an asynchronous operation
4. Callback Hell
Callback Hell
6. JavaScript Object
1. Object Literal Notation
JavaScript Object
2. Creating an object using a constructor function
Creating an object using a constructor function
3. Adding Properties and Methods to Objects using Prototypes in JavaScript
Adding Properties and Methods to Objects using Prototypes in JavaScript
4. You can not add a new property to an existing object constructor
function Animal(type, legs, sound) {
this.animalType = type;
this.numberOfLegs = legs;
this.sound = sound;
this.isPet = false;
// Creating instances of the Animal constructor
var dog = new Animal('Dog', 4, 'Bark');
var cat = new Animal('Cat', 4, 'Meow');
var parrot = new Animal('Parrot', 2, 'Squawk');
Animal.prototype.nameOfAnimal = "My pet";
Animal.prototype.makeSound = function() {
// console.log(dog.nameOfAnimal);
// console.log(cat.nameOfAnimal);
// console.log(parrot.nameOfAnimal);
// console.log(dog.isPet);
// console.log(cat.isPet);
// console.log(parrot.numberOfLegs);
5. Prototypes in JavaScript, In Browser
Prototypes in JavaScript, In Browser