C# Programming Language Syllabus

Subject Details

  1. Fundamentals of C# Language

1. Features of C#

Features of C#

2. About C# Tutorial

3. What is C#

4. Why Use C#

5. Applications of C#

6. Features of C#

7. C# vs C++

8. C# vs Java

  2. Overview of C# Language

1. How C# Code Gets Compiled and Executed?

How C# Code Gets Compiled and Executed?

2. What is namespaces in c#?

What is namespaces in c#?

3. History of C#

4. First Program in C# Hello World

5. Basic Structure of C# Programs

6. Tokens, Keywords and Identifiers

7. C# Comments

8. C# Comments

  3. Data Types, Variables and Constants in C# Language

1. Introduction to Data Types in C# Language

2. Integer Datatype

3. Double Datatype in C#

4. Boolean Data Type in C#

5. String Data Type in C#

  4. Operators in C# Language

1. Introduction to operator

2. Arithmetic Operators

3. Relational Operators

4. Logical Operators in C#

5. Bitwise Operators

6. Assignment Operators

7. Miscellaneous Operators

8. Operator Precedence in C#

  5. Decision Making of C# Language

1. Decision Making in C# Introduction

2. if Statement

3. if-else Statement

4. Nested if Statement

5. if else if Ladder

6. switch case in C#

  6. Loop control in C# Language

1. Loop Introduction in C# Language

2. While Loop in C# Language

3. Do While Loop in C# Language

4. For Loop in C# Language

5. Nested Loop in C# Language

  7. Control Flow in C# Programming

1. Break Statement in C# Programming

2. continue statement

  8. Array in C# Language

1. Introduction to Array

  9. String in C# Language

1. Introduction to String

  10. Function in C# Language

1. Introduction to Method

  11. Recursion in C# Language

1. Introduction to Recursion

  12. OOPS Concept

1. Introduction to OOP Concept

2. Class & Objects

3. Access specifiers,Properties and Methods

  13. Inheritance

1. Inheritance in C#

  14. Polymorphism

  15. Abstract class and Interface

  16. Lambda Expressions in C#

1. Lambda Expressions in C#

Lambda Expressions in C#

2. Anonymous Methods in C#

Anonymous Methods in C#

  17. Collections

1. Array & Arraylist

2. Stack & Queue

3. Hashtable

4. Genericlist

5. SortedList & Dictionary

  18. C# - Delegate

1. C# - Delegate

C# - Delegate

2. C# - Events

C# - Events

3. Publisher and Subscriber Analogy

Publisher and Subscriber Analogy

4. Simple Example of Event in C#

Simple Example of Event in C#

5. Example of Event in C# - Delegate with the custom EventArgs

Example of Event in C# - Delegate with the custom EventArgs

6. Derived classes can modify the behavior of base class methods, including those related to events.

Derived classes can modify the behavior of base class methods, including those related to events.

  19. C# - Multithreading

1. Multithreading Concept

C# - Multithreading

2. C# example that demonstrates the multithreading

C# example that demonstrates the multithreading

3. Thread Lifecycle States in C#

Thread Lifecycle States in C#

C# Programming Language