Class Methods in Python

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2022-11-23 00:00:00   174 Share
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You have read about function, higher order function, closures etc. Now, it is time to learn about their scope. Based on the scope, functions/methods are of two types. They are:

  • Class methods

  • Static methods

Class Methods
  • A method defined inside a class is bound to its object, by default.

  • However, if the method is bound to a Class, then it is known as classmethod.

  • Consider the following two examples:

    • Example 1 defines the method getCirclesCount, bound to an object of Circle class.

    • Example 2 defines the classmethod getCirclesCount, bound to class Circle.

Class Methods - Example

Example 1

class Circle(object):
    no_of_circles = 0
    def __init__(self, radius):
        self.__radius = radius
        Circle.no_of_circles += 1
    def getCirclesCount(self):
        return Circle.no_of_circles
c1 = Circle(3.5)
c2 = Circle(5.2)
c3 = Circle(4.8)
print(c1.getCirclesCount())     # -> 3
print(c2.getCirclesCount())     # -> 3
print(Circle.getCirclesCount(c3)) # -> 3
print(Circle.getCirclesCount()) # -> TypeError
Class Methods - Example

Output of Example 1




TypeError: getCirclesCount() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
  • In Example 1, getCirclesCount method is bound to objects of Circle.

  • Hence when calling it,

    • on objects c1, and c2 resulted in 3.

    • on class Circle with object c3 as argument resulted in 3 again.

    • on class Circle without any object information resulted in TypeError.

Class Methods - Example

Example 2

class Circle(object):
    no_of_circles = 0
    def __init__(self, radius):
        self.__radius = radius
        Circle.no_of_circles += 1
    def getCirclesCount(self):
        return Circle.no_of_circles
c1 = Circle(3.5)
c2 = Circle(5.2)
c3 = Circle(4.8)
  • In Example 2, getCirclesCount is decorated with classmethod.

  • Thus making it a class method, which bounds to class Circle.

Class Methods - Example

Example 2...

print(c1.getCirclesCount())     # -> 3

print(c2.getCirclesCount())     # -> 3

print(Circle.getCirclesCount()) # -> 3

Output of Example 2




  • In Example 2, class Circle is passed as argument to getCirclesCount in both cases. i.e when it is called on objects and the class.