Adding Properties and Methods to Objects using Prototypes in JavaScript
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function Animal(type, legs, sound) { this.animalType = type; this.numberOfLegs = legs; this.sound = sound; this.isPet = false; } // Creating instances of the Animal constructor var dog = new Animal('Dog', 4, 'Bark'); var cat = new Animal('Cat', 4, 'Meow'); var parrot = new Animal('Parrot', 2, 'Squawk'); Animal.prototype.nameOfAnimal = "My pet"; Animal.prototype.makeSound = function() { console.log(this.sound); }; dog.makeSound(); cat.makeSound(); parrot.makeSound(); // console.log(dog.nameOfAnimal); // console.log(cat.nameOfAnimal); // console.log(parrot.nameOfAnimal); // console.log(dog.isPet); // console.log(cat.isPet); // console.log(parrot.numberOfLegs);