Exploring ConView() Function in Container in X++
Table of Content:
- This a Global class method which retrieves or displays a form with a visual representation of a container as a tree. A form with the visual representation of a container if the _lookup parameter was true; otherwise, null.
- Syntax: client server public static FormRun conView(container containerToShow, [str _caption, boolean _lookup])
- containerToShow - The container to show in the form.
- caption - A caption to use on the form; optional.
- lookup - true to return the form without displaying it; false to display the form and return null.
- Return: A string of the elements in the container.
static void Container_conViewExample(Args _args) { container containerName; // container declaration str charHolder; int conLength, cnt; ; // str2Con() function gets values str comma separated and converts to container // container initialization with 2 values using str2con() containerName = str2con("Technical,Functional, TechnoFunctional", ","); // to view the results in tree form use conView() global function conView(containerName); }
The above code will produce the following result-
Technical Functional TechnoFunctional