Publisher and Subscriber Analogy

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2024-07-12 05:26:26   59  Share
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To understand the concept of Subscriber and Publisher with a real-life analogy, think of a magazine subscription service.

Publisher: The Magazine Company

The magazine company (Publisher) creates content and publishes a new issue every month. The magazine company doesn't know who exactly is going to read the magazine, but they know that people have subscribed to their magazine.

Subscriber: The Reader

The readers (Subscribers) sign up for a subscription to receive the monthly magazine. Whenever a new issue is published, it gets delivered to their address. The readers don't need to know how the magazine is created; they just receive it and read it.

How This Relates to Events in C#

  1. Publisher (Magazine Company):

    • The magazine company creates and distributes magazines.
    • In C#, this is like an object that defines and raises events.
  2. Subscriber (Reader):

    • The readers subscribe to the magazine and receive new issues.
    • In C#, this is like an object that listens for events and handles them when they are raised.

Steps in the Analogy

  1. Subscription:

    • A reader subscribes to the magazine.
    • In C#, an event handler is attached to an event.
  2. Publishing:

    • The magazine company publishes a new issue.
    • In C#, the publisher raises the event.
  3. Notification:

    • The subscribed readers receive the new issue of the magazine.
    • In C#, the event handler methods are called.

Example Breakdown

Magazine Company (Publisher)

public class MagazineCompany
    // Define a delegate
    public delegate void NewIssueEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);

    // Define an event based on the delegate
    public event NewIssueEventHandler NewIssue;

    // Method to raise the event
    public void PublishNewIssue()
        Console.WriteLine("Magazine Company: Publishing new issue...");
        // Raise the event by calling the OnNewIssue method
        OnNewIssue(EventArgs.Empty); // EventArgs.Empty is used because there is no additional event data

    // Protected virtual method to allow derived classes to override the event invocation behavior
    protected virtual void OnNewIssue(EventArgs e)
        // Invoke the event handler, if there are any subscribers
        NewIssue?.Invoke(this, e); // The null-conditional operator (?.) ensures that Invoke is only called if NewIssue is not null

Reader (Subscriber)

public class Reader
    // Method that will be called when the event is raised
    public void OnNewIssueReceived(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Reader: Received new issue of the magazine.");

Subscription Process

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create a magazine company (Publisher)
        MagazineCompany magazineCompany = new MagazineCompany();
        // Create a reader (Subscriber)
        Reader reader = new Reader();
        // Subscribe the reader to the magazine company's new issue event
        magazineCompany.NewIssue += reader.OnNewIssueReceived;
        // Publish a new issue



  • MagazineCompany:

    • Defines a delegate NewIssueEventHandler and an event NewIssue based on the delegate.
    • Method PublishNewIssue raises the event by calling OnNewIssue.
    • Method OnNewIssue checks if there are any subscribers before invoking the event handlers.
  • Reader:

    • Defines a method OnNewIssueReceived that matches the delegate signature. This method is called when the NewIssue event is raised.
  • Program:

    • Creates instances of MagazineCompany and Reader.
    • Subscribes the reader to the NewIssue event of the magazine company.
    • Calls PublishNewIssue to simulate publishing a new magazine issue, which triggers the OnNewIssueReceived method of the subscribed reader.

This analogy and example illustrate how events in C# allow a publisher to notify subscribers when something of interest occurs, much like a magazine company informs its subscribers about new issues.