Project Bonus Task & Solution: Determine the Best Performing Section in Final Exams

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2024-09-14 04:13:16   18  Share
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Bonus Task (Optional):

  • Display the subject names when inputting marks (Mathematics, Physics, English, Computer Application, and Biology) instead of just showing "Subject 1", "Subject 2", etc.

    For example, while inputting marks for a student, the prompt should be:

Enter marks for student 1:
  Computer Application: 

This Bonus Task makes the project more realistic by asking students to interact with subject-specific data, reinforcing the connection between real-world academic performance and programming.


Here’s the Java code:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class BestPerformingSection {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

        // Number of sections and subjects
        int sections = 3;  // A, B, C
        int subjects = 5;  // 5 subjects: Mathematics, Physics, English, Computer Application, Biology

        // Array to hold subject names
        String[] subjectNames = {"Mathematics", "Physics", "English", "Computer Application", "Biology"};
        // Variables to store total marks for each section
        double[] sectionTotals = new double[sections];
        double[] sectionAverages = new double[sections];
        int[] studentsPerSection = new int[sections];

        // Loop to input the number of students in each section
        for (int i = 0; i < sections; i++) {
            String sectionName = (i == 0) ? "A" : (i == 1) ? "B" : "C";
            System.out.print("Enter the number of students in Section " + sectionName + ": ");
            studentsPerSection[i] = scanner.nextInt();

        // Loop through each section to input marks
        for (int i = 0; i < sections; i++) {
            String sectionName = (i == 0) ? "A" : (i == 1) ? "B" : "C";
            System.out.println("\nEntering marks for Section " + sectionName + ":");
            double sectionTotal = 0;

            // Loop through each student in the section
            for (int student = 0; student < studentsPerSection[i]; student++) {
                System.out.println("Enter marks for student " + (student + 1) + ":");

                // Loop through each subject for the student
                for (int subject = 0; subject < subjects; subject++) {
                    System.out.print("  " + subjectNames[subject] + ": ");  // Display subject name
                    double marks = scanner.nextDouble();
                    sectionTotal += marks;  // Add marks to section total
            // Store total marks for the section
            sectionTotals[i] = sectionTotal;

        // Calculate the average score for each section
        for (int i = 0; i < sections; i++) {
            sectionAverages[i] = sectionTotals[i] / (studentsPerSection[i] * subjects);

        // Compare the averages to find the best performing section
        String bestSection = "A";
        double highestAverage = sectionAverages[0];

        if (sectionAverages[1] > highestAverage) {
            bestSection = "B";
            highestAverage = sectionAverages[1];

        if (sectionAverages[2] > highestAverage) {
            bestSection = "C";
            highestAverage = sectionAverages[2];

        // Output the result
        System.out.println("\n--- Results ---");
        System.out.printf("Section A average score: %.2f\n", sectionAverages[0]);
        System.out.printf("Section B average score: %.2f\n", sectionAverages[1]);
        System.out.printf("Section C average score: %.2f\n", sectionAverages[2]);
        System.out.println("The best performing section is: " + bestSection + " with an average score of: " + highestAverage);

        // Close the scanner

Explanation of Updates:

  1. Subject Names Array:

    • I added an array called subjectNames to hold the names of the five subjects: Mathematics, Physics, English, Computer Application, and Biology.
  2. Displaying Subject Names:

    • When entering marks for each student, the program now prompts the user to enter marks for each subject by name instead of simply displaying "Subject 1", "Subject 2", etc.
  3. Input and Processing Logic:

    • The logic for processing the input and calculating the total and average marks for each section remains the same, but the subject names are now displayed as part of the input process.

Enter the number of students in Section A: 2
Enter the number of students in Section B: 2
Enter the number of students in Section C: 2

Entering marks for Section A:
Enter marks for student 1:
  Mathematics: 80
  Physics: 85
  English: 78
  Computer Application: 90
  Biology: 82
Enter marks for student 2:
  Mathematics: 75
  Physics: 80
  English: 77
  Computer Application: 88
  Biology: 79

Entering marks for Section B:

--- Results ---
Section A average score: 81.25
Section B average score: 80.00
Section C average score: 83.50
The best performing section is: C with an average score of: 83.50