Computing and Ethics

Aravind Vignesh   Software Engineer   2024-08-04 02:05:04   124  Share
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Intellectual Property

  • Definition: Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, like inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols.
  • Importance: It's important because it protects creators’ rights, allowing them to benefit from their own work.

Protection Against Spam

  • Definition: Spam is unwanted or irrelevant messages sent over the internet, often as emails.
  • Protection: It’s important to have measures in place to protect against spam to avoid annoyance, potential scams, and harmful links.


  • Definition: Cybercrime involves illegal activities done using the internet, such as hacking or spreading viruses.
  • Importance: Knowing about cybercrime helps you understand the need to stay safe online and protect your information.

Protection of Individual's Right to Privacy

  • Definition: This means keeping personal information secure and not sharing it without permission.
  • Importance: It’s important to respect and protect everyone’s privacy to maintain trust and security.

Software Piracy

  • Definition: Software piracy is the illegal copying, distribution, or use of software.
  • Importance: It’s important to use software legally to respect the work of developers and avoid legal issues.


  • Definition: Hacking is the act of gaining unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
  • Importance: Understanding hacking helps you recognize the need for strong passwords and security measures.

Good Etiquette Practices

  • Definition: This refers to behaving politely and respectfully online.
  • Importance: Good etiquette helps create a positive and respectful online environment.

Malicious Intent and Code

  • Definition: Malicious intent involves wanting to cause harm, and malicious code refers to harmful software like viruses.
  • Importance: Recognizing these helps in taking steps to protect your devices and data.

Ethics and Technology

Ethics: Ethics is about understanding what is right and wrong in our behavior. It comes from the Greek word "ethos," meaning "custom" or "character."

Why Ethics Matter: From a young age, we learn about ethics from our parents and guardians. These lessons help us grow into good people who respect others and make the right decisions. Ethics guide us in every part of life, including how we use technology.

Technology and Ethics

With the growth of technology, many activities like business meetings and financial transactions have moved online. While this makes life easier, it also brings challenges like privacy violations.

Understanding Technology Terms:

  • Spam: Unwanted messages, usually advertisements.
  • Cybercrime: Crimes committed online, like hacking.
  • Hacking: Breaking into computer systems without permission.
  • Piracy: Using software without paying for it.

Learning Ethics in Technology

By learning about these topics, you can use technology responsibly and avoid problems. This chapter will help you understand the importance of ethics in using technology and how to stay safe online.

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