ICSE Computer Application - Class X - 2018 PYQ
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Solved 2018 Question Paper ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications
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\[ \frac{\sqrt{3x + x^2}}{a + b} \]
What is the value of y after evaluating the expression given below?
y+= ++y + y-- + --y; when int y=8
Give the output of the following:
Write the output for the following:
if( var==1) System.out.println("good"); else if(var==2) System.out.println("better"); else if(var==3) System.out.println("best"); else System.out.println("invalid");
Give the output of the following string functions:
String arr[]= {"DELHI", "CHENNAI", "MUMBAI", "LUCKNOW", "JAIPUR"}; System.out.println(arr[0].length() > arr[3].length()); System.out.print(arr[4].substring(0,3));
if (bill > 10000 ) discount = bill * 10.0/100; else discount = bill * 5.0/100;
Write the return data type of the following function.
lassify the following as primitive or non-primitive datatypes:
(a) (i) int res = 'A';
What is the value of res?
System.out.print("BEST ");
System.out.println("OF LUCK");
Choose the correct option for the output of the above statements
int i; for ( i = 5 ; i > 10; i ++ ) System.out.println( i ); System.out.println( i * 4 );