

This set of multiple choice questions (MCQs) on measurements covers a range of topics related to the various units of measurement used in physics, chemistry, and other sciences, as well as their applications and conversions. These MCQs can be used for educational purposes, self-assessment, or test preparation.

  • AObsessive impulse to write
  • BCompulsive or pathological lying
  • CUrge to wander or travel long distances
  • DIrresistible craving for pleasure
  • AUnrealistic belief in one's own divinity
  • BObsession for foreign persons or things
  • CAbnormal excessive female hypersexuality
  • DObsession with numbers and counting
  • AObsession with one's own beauty
  • BObsession with oneself and self-worship
  • CObsession to drink alcohol
  • DDelusions of power, relevance and self-esteem