• APressure of a liquid or gas in a closed tube
  • BHeat of chemical reactions
  • CHumidity
  • DForce, torque or power
  • AQuadrat
  • BDynamometer
  • CKatharometer
  • DPyranometer
  • ADistance
  • BMass
  • CRadioactivity
  • DFrequency
  • AThe apparent density of smoke
  • BLoudness of sound
  • CDepression
  • DTemperature
  • ANoise intensity
  • BDistance
  • CMagnetic flux density
  • DPlane angle
  • A-14 degree Fahrenheit
  • B4 degree Fahrenheit
  • C-4 degree Fahrenheit
  • D14 degree Fahrenheit
  • A22 yard
  • B24 yard
  • C26 yard
  • D28 yard
  • APhysical condition of a newborn infant
  • BTemperature
  • CImpact hazard of asteroids/comets
  • DAcidity