

This set of multiple choice questions (MCQs) on syndromes covers a range of topics related to various medical syndromes, including their symptoms, causes, and treatments. These MCQs can be used for educational purposes, self-assessment, or test preparation.

  • AObsessive impulse to write
  • BCompulsive or pathological lying
  • CUrge to wander or travel long distances
  • DIrresistible craving for pleasure
  • AUnrealistic belief in one's own divinity
  • BObsession for foreign persons or things
  • CAbnormal excessive female hypersexuality
  • DObsession with numbers and counting
  • AObsession with one's own beauty
  • BObsession with oneself and self-worship
  • CObsession to drink alcohol
  • DDelusions of power, relevance and self-esteem