Types of Adjective

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2023-05-20 00:00:00   5541 Share
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1.     Descriptive adjectives:

 describing a quality of the noun

  • Attributive Adjectives:
  • Predicate Adjectives:

2.     Limiting adjectives:

limiting the noun being described

  • Possessive Adjectives:
  • Definite & Indefinite Articles
  • Demonstrative Adjectives:
  • Indefinite Adjectives:
  • Interrogative Adjectives:
  • Cardinal Adjectives:
  • Ordinal Adjectives:
  • Proper Adjectives:
  • Nouns used as Adjectives:

1.     Descriptive adjectives

These can be attributive adjectives or predicate adjectives.

1.1. Attributive Adjectives:

Adjectives which appear directly beside the noun, most commonly before, are

called attributive, because they attribute a quality to the noun they modify. More than one adjective can modify the same noun.



  • He washed the empty cup.

"Empty" is an attributive adjective, as it is placed directly beside the noun "cup." It is describing the cup.

  • The chatter made the room noisy.

This is an instance in which the attributive adjective appears directly behind the noun. "Noisy" is describing the "room."


1.2. Predicate Adjectives:

Adjectives which appear after a linking verb are called predicative, because

they form part of the predicate. They modify the subject of the sentence or clause (a clause is a portion of a sentence which contains a subject and a predicate).



  • The painting was colourful.

noun: painting

linking verb: was

adjective: colourful (describing the noun "painting")


  • The wind remained strong.

noun: wind

linking verb: remained

adjective: strong (describing the noun "wind'")


2.     Limiting adjectives

They do as their name suggests, they limit the noun being described.

There are nine types of Limiting Adjectives:


2.1.Definite & Indefinite Articles

There is only one definite article, the. When used before a noun, it specifies a

particular noun as opposed to any one.


  • The dog (a specific, identifiable dog)
  • The walls (specific, identifiable walls)

There are two indefinite articles, a and an. These are used with a noun when a

specific noun is not being pointed at.


  • a dog (any dog)
  • an apple (any apple)


2.2. Possessive Adjectives:

The possessive adjectives my, your, his. her, its, our, and their modify nouns

by showing possession or ownership.


  • my sweater
  • their party


2.3. Demonstrative Adjectives:

A demonstrative adjective is a demonstrative pronoun that appears before a noun and emphasizes it.

Example: (note the difference)

  • Demonstrative pronoun: These are wonderful.
  • Demonstrative adjective: These apples are wonderful.

2.4. Indefinite Adjectives:

Indefinite adjectives are indefinite pronouns used before a noun.

Example: (note the difference)

  • Pronoun: Several witnessed the event.
  • Adjective: Several pedestrians witnessed the event.

2.5 Interrogative Adjectives:

The interrogative adjectives what, which, and whose modify nouns and pronouns to indicate a question about them.

Example: (note the difference)

  • Pronoun: Which fell adjective: Which trapeze artist fell

2.6. Cardinal Adjectives:

Adjectives that modify the noun by numbering it (stating how many) are cardinal adjectives.


  • five books
  • two fish

2.7. Ordinal Adjectives:

An ordinal adjective indicates the position of a noun in a series.


  • the first date
  • the fourth day

2.8. Proper Adjectives:

Adjectives derived from proper names are called proper adjectives. They are

easily recognizable in that they are always capitalized.


  • French bread
  • Shakespearean sonnet

2.9. Nouns used as Adjectives:

Sometimes nouns can be used as adjectives to define or describe another noun.


  • the porch light
  • a house fly