DO NOT say "how are you?"! Ask the question PROPERLY!

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2023-05-20 00:00:00   5374 Share
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'How are you?' is SO OVERUSED! Here are 24 advanced ways to ask 'how are you?' in both casual and formal situations!


  1. How are you doing?
  2. How have you been?
  3. What’s going on?
  4. What’s new? / What’s new with you?
  5. What’s up?
  6. What are you up to?
  7. How are things going?
  8. How are you feeling?
  9. How’s it going?
  10. How is everything?
  11. How’s things?
  12. How’s life?
  13. How’s your day been? / how’s your day going?
  14. Are you alright?


  1. How do you do?
  2. Are you well?
  3. How do you fare?
  4. How are things coming along?
  5. How’s everything coming together?
  6. How’s your health?
  7. Hello, I hope you’re well?
  8. I trust you’re well? 


  1. Howdy (How do you do?)
  2. How’s it hanging?
  3. How’s tricks?
  4. What’s sizzling?