Stop saying 'I'm sorry...' - say THIS instead - more advanced alternative phrases

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2020-04-17 00:00:00   5549 Share
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'I'm sorry' is overused, boring and can make you seem weak - improve your spoken English with these 17 alternative phrases for 'I think'. STOP saying 'I'm sorry' and say this instead!


  1. I owe you an apology for…

Example: I owe you an apology for what happened in Christmas party.


  1. I take full responsibility for my actions.

Example: I take full responsibility for my actions – I should never have let my hair down in such an unprofessional way.


To let your hair down: - to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself.



  1. It was wrong of me/on my part…


I hadn’t actually planned to attend. I just stopped by on the way home from the pub. This was wrong on my part.


  1. I’m so/very sorry…


I am so very sorry for telling the receptionist that she looked like a marshmallow – her pink frilly dress was actually very cute.


  1. I’m ever so sorry…


I’m ever so sorry for loudly discussing how low our salaries are – this should’ve been discussed in private.


  1. I’m terribly/awfully sorry…


I’m awfully sorry for starting a very successful conga whilst you were trying to deliver your wonderful, yearly ‘thank you’ speech.


  1. It was thoughtless/careless of me…


It was completely thoughtless of me to shout out ‘hey lady this isn’t the Oscars, get a move on’ when I thought your speech had gone on a little wrong.



  1. I sincerely apologise…


I sincerely apologise for acting so despicably with your husband.


Despicable: - deserving hatred and contempt.


  1. I hope you can forgive me…


I hope you can forgive me for pulling your husband onto the dancefloor, using his tie.



  1. I hope I can be forgiven…


I hope I can be forgiven for dragging him on to the buffet table with me.



  1. I didn’t mean too…


I didn’t mean to get sour cream dip all over his trousers.


  1. I shouldn’t have…


I really shouldn’t have tried to clean the dip off there and then.


there and then: - immediately, in that moment. 


  1. I deeply regret…


I deeply regret telling you to ‘back off and find your own man!’ when you came over to help.


  1. I messed up…


I messed up when I tried to start a fistfight with you.


Fistfight: - a fight between people using their hands but no weapons.


  1. I was in the wrong…


 When I caught you in the headlock, I was in the wrong.


Headlock:  - a method of restraining someone by holding an arm firmly around their head, especially as a hold in wrestling.


  1. I really hope you can find it within you to…


I really hope you can find it within you to drop the assault charges against me.


To drop charge: - to no longer officially accuse someone of a crime.



  1. It won’t happen again…


I really promise it won’t happen again. So…can I have my job back?