var and let in JavaScript

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2024-01-25 01:36:18   44 Share
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In JavaScript, both var and let are used for variable declaration, but there are some key differences between them. These differences are related to scoping rules and variable hoisting:

  1. Scope:

    • Variables declared with var are function-scoped. This means they are only visible within the function in which they are declared.
    • Variables declared with let are block-scoped. This means they are only visible within the block (enclosed by curly braces) in which they are declared.
      function example() {
          if (true) {
              var x = 10; // Function-scoped
              let y = 20; // Block-scoped
          console.log(x); // 10
          console.log(y); // ReferenceError: y is not defined
  2. Hoisting:

    • Variables declared with var are hoisted to the top of their scope during the compilation phase, which means they are moved to the top of the function or global scope.
    • Variables declared with let are also hoisted, but unlike var, they are not initialized until the JavaScript interpreter reaches the declaration. This is known as the "temporal dead zone," and attempting to access the variable before its declaration results in a ReferenceError.
      console.log(a); // undefined
      var a = 5;
      console.log(b); // ReferenceError: b is not defined
      let b = 10;
  3. Redeclaration:

    • Variables declared with var can be redeclared within the same scope without any error.
    • Variables declared with let cannot be redeclared within the same block.
      var i = 10;
      var i = 20; // No error with var
      let j = 30;
      let j = 40; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'j' has already been declared

In modern JavaScript development, it is generally recommended to use let and const over var due to their block-scoping behavior and to avoid some of the issues associated with var, such as hoisting-related bugs. Use let when the variable may be reassigned, and use const when the variable should not be reassigned.