What is Javascript, Some important points on Javascript

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2023-11-30 09:02:15   5886 Share
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What is JavaScript?

JavaScript, an object scripting language which is used in web pages along with markup language HTML. JavaScript is very popular and adopted universally by every web browser for its support which allows dynamic content to get execute in a webpage. JavaScript does not incorporate or abide by any HTML tags or rules. It is similar to stand-alone programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. As JavaScript got its success worldwide with its integration into the web browsers, the Microsoft has added the JavaScript technology to its own Browser Internet Explorer.

Some examples of what JavaScript can do:

  1. JavaScript Can Change HTML Content
  2. JavaScript Can Change HTML Attribute Values
  3. JavaScript Can Change HTML Styles (CSS)
  4. JavaScript Can Hide HTML Elements
  5. JavaScript Can Show HTML Elements

Are you new to object oriented programming and apprehensive about getting into JavaScript? Don't worry; you can still take this up.

This course will offer a smooth transition from traditional programming to object oriented programming. So, let's dive right away and learn JavaScript!

  1. JavaScript is an interpreted language and requires no compilation.
  2. JavaScript is case sensitive and constitutes statements.
  3. The semicolon is the best way to separate the statements.
  4. JavaScript is insensitive to whitespace.
  5. Script tags holding JavaScript code are best placed at the end of the code.
  6. Comments start with // or /* and */