JavaScript Object Prototypes

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2024-01-20 03:11:10   28 Share
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In JavaScript, object prototypes play a crucial role in the language's prototype-based inheritance system. A prototype is an object from which other objects inherit properties and methods. Every object in JavaScript has a prototype, and these prototypes are linked together to form a prototype chain.

1. Prototypes in JavaScript:

  • Definition: A prototype in JavaScript is an object that is associated with another object and serves as a fallback for properties and methods that are not directly found on that object.

  • Object Creation: When an object is created, it is linked to a prototype. If a property or method is not found on the object itself, JavaScript looks up the prototype chain to find it.

2. Object Prototypes:

  • Prototype Property: Every object in JavaScript has a special property called __proto__ (or [[Prototype]]), which points to its prototype.

    var myObject = {};
    console.log(myObject.__proto__); // Output: [Object: null prototype] {}
  • Object.create(): The Object.create() method is used to create a new object with the specified prototype. It provides a cleaner way to set up prototypal inheritance.

    var personPrototype = { greet: function() { console.log('Hello!'); } };
    var person = Object.create(personPrototype);
    person.greet(); // Output: 'Hello!'
  • 3. Prototype Chain:

    • Definition: The prototype chain is a series of linked objects where each object serves as the prototype for the next one. It is traversed when properties or methods are accessed on an object.

    • Inheritance: If an object doesn't have a particular property or method, JavaScript looks up the prototype chain until it finds the first object in the chain that contains the desired property or method.

    4. Object.prototype:

    • Ultimate Prototype: The Object.prototype is the ultimate prototype in the JavaScript environment. It provides basic methods and properties that are inherited by all objects.

    • Base for Most Objects: Object.prototype serves as the prototype for many objects, including those created using the Object constructor or object literals.


    Understanding JavaScript object prototypes is essential for grasping how inheritance works in the language. Prototypes allow for the sharing of properties and methods across objects, promoting code reuse and a more efficient use of memory. The prototype chain enables a dynamic and flexible system of object-oriented programming in JavaScript.

    Prototype Inheritance

    All JavaScript objects inherit properties and methods from a prototype:

    • Date objects inherit from Date.prototype
    • Array objects inherit from Array.prototype
    • Person objects inherit from Person.prototype

    The Object.prototype is on the top of the prototype inheritance chain:

    Date objects, Array objects, and Person objects inherit from Object.prototype.

    Adding Properties and Methods to Objects

    Sometimes you want to add new properties (or methods) to all existing objects of a given type.

    Sometimes you want to add new properties (or methods) to an object constructor.

    codespan">prototype property allows you to add new properties to object constructors:

    Using the prototype Property

    The JavaScript prototype property allows you to add new properties to object constructors:

    function Person(first, last, age, eyecolor) {
      this.firstName = first;
      this.lastName = last;
      this.age = age;
      this.eyeColor = eyecolor;
    Person.prototype.nationality = "English";

    The JavaScript prototype property also allows you to add new methods to objects constructors:

    function Person(first, last, age, eyecolor) {
      this.firstName = first;
      this.lastName = last;
      this.age = age;
      this.eyeColor = eyecolor;
    } = function() {
      return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;