What is IoT?

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2023-02-08 00:00:00   5740 Share
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What is IoT?

It's estimated that 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet in the next few years. Pervasive computing, as it's called, will transform our world into an always-on, always-monitoring, smart and adaptive environment.

How does IoT work?

With the explosion of smart, network-connected sensors, the need for an IoT architecture that can handle the diversity of data sources, enable complex real-time data processing and close the feedback loop with insights flowing back to the source device becomes crucial.


According to Wikipedia, The Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure. In other words, the growing base of network connected sensor devices that are able to communicate, create and update data over the internet is the ***Internet of Everything***.

Inflection Point

IoT has gathered momentum recently as a result of the following :

  1. Availability of low cost, high computing power processors and miniaturized architectures such as Raspberry Pi and Arduino

  2. Low power usage architectures that have enabled ubiquitous deployment of sensor devices

  3. Scalable cloud based IoT management platforms to analyze sensor data

Two parallel tracks

There are two parallel tracks in IoT technologies

  • Wearable - Google's Android Wear and a host of fitness, activity and health trackers are part of this ecosystem

  • Embedded - Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Intel's Galileo are among the more popular embedded IoT device architectures

Some of the popular IOT platform providers include GE Predix, RTI, ThingWorx, TCUP.

Some of the top IoT technologies predicted by Gartner are Security, Analytics, Device Management, Low-power short-range networks, even stream processing etc.

Summary: Internet of Everything
  • As sensor devices become smaller, cheaper and more powerful, it's estimated that by 2020, 50 billion devices will be connected to the internet

  • These devices, in connection with an IoT management platform will enable a smarter, adaptive environment in our homes, offices and factories

  • Physical products will stay connected with their manufacturers creating a new, deeper customer relationship.

Hands-on Exercise: DIY IOT

Do-it-Yourself IoT

To end this course, we are going to ask you to try something a bit more challenging. Head over to SimpleIOThings and pick a simple home IoT project and try it over the weekend.