Innovations in the field of computer science and their corresponding years of discovery and the individuals responsible

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2023-01-13 00:00:00   232 Share
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Important discoveries in computer science and the year and person credited with them

  • The concept of the stored-program computer (1946) - John von Neumann
  • The Turing Machine (1936) - Alan Turing
  • The concept of artificial intelligence (1956) - John McCarthy
  • The Internet Protocol (IP) (1974) - Vint Cerf, Bob Kahn
  • The World Wide Web (1989) - Tim Berners-Lee
  • The first graphical web browser (1990) - Tim Berners-Lee
  • The first search engine (1990) - Archie
  • The first e-commerce website (1994) - Amazon
  • The first social networking website (1997) - Six Degrees
  • The first mobile app store (2008) - Apple
  • The first computer mouse (1964) - Douglas Engelbart
  • The C programming language (1972) - Dennis Ritchie
  • The relational database (1970) - Edgar F. Codd
  • The personal computer (1976) - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
  • The first PC virus (1986) - Farooq Alvi brothers
  • The Linux operating system (1991) - Linus Torvalds
  • The first commercial website (1994) - Global Network Navigator (GNN)
  • The first online video (1994) - The Computer Chronicles
  • The first online encyclopedia (1995) - Wikipedia
  • The first online chat service (1995) - AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)
  • The first cloud computing services (2006) - Amazon Web Services
  • The first commercial quantum computer (2011) - D-Wave Systems
  • The first deep learning library (2015) - TensorFlow
  • The concept of the Von Neumann architecture (1945) - John von Neumann
  • The first high-level programming language (1952) - Grace Hopper
  • The first computer game (1962) - Steve Russell
  • The first computer-aided design (CAD) software (1962) - Ivan Sutherland
  • The first computer-controlled robot (1964) - George Devol
  • The first computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software (1967) - Numerical Control Programming Language (NCPL)
  • The first computer-controlled car (1977) - Tsukuba Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
  • The concept of the RSA algorithm (1977) - Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman
  • The first computer virus for IBM-compatible personal computers (1986) - Brain
  • The first webcam (1991) - Cambridge University
  • The first podcast (2004) - Adam Curry
  • The first virtual reality headset for consumers (2016) - Oculus Rift