C Program - Write a program to check whether a number is a prime number or not.(Using While loop)
C Programming Language Loop control in C Language (Article) Loop control in C Language (Program)
If you don't know what is prime number please read form this tutorial. Prime Number & Prime Factors
#include <stdio.h> int main( ) { int n, r, d=2; printf( "\n Enter the number :"); scanf("%d", &n); r = 1; while(d <= n/2) { r = n%d; if(r == 0) break; d++; } if(r==0) printf("\n IT IS NOT A PRIME NUMBER"); else printf("\n IT IS A PRIME NUMBER"); getch(); return 0; }
Output 1: Enter the number :5 IT IS A PRIME NUMBER Output 2: Enter the number :12 IT IS NOT A PRIME NUMBER
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