Get the lengths of three sides of a triangle. Check whether the triangle can be formed or not. If possible then classify the triangle as equilateral, isosceles or scalene. Otherwise, if the triangle cannot be formed give the user a chance to re-enter the lengths of the sides or terminate the program.
C Programming Language Decision Making of C Language (Article) Decision Making of C Language (Program)
#include int main(void) { int sideOne,sideTwo,sideThree; char ans='y'; while(ans=='y' ||ans=='Y') { printf("\n Enter the lengths of threesides of a triangle:"); scanf("%d %d %d",&sideOne,&sideTwo,&sideThree); if(sideOne+sideTwo>sideThree && sideTwo+sideThree>sideOne && sideOne+sideThree>sideTwo) { printf("\n Triangle can be drawn"); if(sideOne==sideTwo && sideTwo==sideThree) printf("\n It is a Equilateral Triangle"); else if(sideOne==sideTwo || sideTwo==sideThree ||sideOne==sideThree) printf("\n It is a Isosceles Triangle"); else printf("\n It is a scalene Triangle"); ans='n'; } else { printf("\n Triangle cannot be drawn"); printf("\n Do you want to reenter the lengths again(y/n)? "); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&ans); } } getch(); return 0; }
Enter the lengths of threesides of a triangle:10 12 13 Triangle can be drawn It is a scalene Triangle
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