Python Decorators - 4 - Hands On

Python Python Classes and Objects (Article) Python Classes and Objects (Program)


4. Decorators - 4

1. Define a decorator function italic_ tag which adds italic HTML tags <i> function. </i> to the value of another

2. Use the Test against custom input box to output the result for debugging.

3. Provide a string (refer test case sample) to display the output/error.

Given Input:

Hi Decorator

Expected Output:

Hi Decorator


import os
import sys

def bold_tag(func):   

    def inner(*args, **kwdargs):
        return '<b>'+func(*args, **kwdargs)+'</b>'

    return inner

#Implement italic_tag below
def italic_tag(func):
    def inner(*args, **kwdargs):
        return '<i>'+func(*args, **kwdargs)+'</i>'
    return inner

def say(msg):
    return msg



'''Check the Tail section for input/output'''

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w') as fout:
        res_lst = list()


Hi Decorator

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