Vedic period

Rumman Ansari   Software Engineer   2024-01-08 01:54:27   82  Share
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The Vedic Literature

  • The word Veda comes from the word Vid, means to know or knowledge.
  • Vedic texts are divided between Sruti (based on hearing) and Smriti (based on memory).
  • Veda are divided into Samhitas.

Rig Veda

  • It is the oldest text in the world. Also called 'the first testament of mankind'.
  • Collection of hymns, composed around 1700 BC, contains 1028 hymns and 10580 verses divided into 10 mandalas.
  • II to VII are the earliest mandalas, each of which is ascribed to a particular family of Rishi i.e. Gritsamad, Visvamitra, Vamadeva, Atri, Bhardwaja, Vashistha. VIII mandala is ascribed to Kanvas and Angiras. IX mandala is the compilation of Soma hymns.
  • The Xth mandala contains the famous Purushasukta hymn which explains that the four varnas were born from the mouth, arms, thighs and feet of the creator Brahma.
  • The IIIrd mandala contains the Gayatri Mantra, which was compiled in the praise of Sun God Savitri.
  • Saraswati is the deity river in the Rig Veda.

Sama Veda

  • Sama Veda derives its roots from 'saman', which means melodies. It is a collection of melodies. The hyms of the Sama Veda were recited by Udgatri at the Soma sacrifice.
  • It contains Dhrupad Raga.

Yajur Veda

  • Deals with the procedures for the performance of sacrifices. The beliefs and rituals of non-Aryans are written in it.
  • Two text of Yajur Veda
  • Shukla (White) Yajur Veda
  • Krishna (Black) Yajur Veda

Atharva Veda

  • It is a book of magical formulae. It contains charms and spells to ward off evil and disease.
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