Natural Disasters and their mitigation - Quiz

  • ATsunami
  • BHeat waves
  • CNuclear accident
  • DEpidemic
  • AModified Mercalli scale
  • BElastic rebound theory
  • CThe travel time difference
  • DNone of the above
  • AHeavy rainfall
  • BMelting of glaciers
  • CSubmarine volcanism
  • DSea floor spreading
  • AThe whole year
  • BThree seasons excluding monsoons
  • CAny three seasons
  • DThe worst season
  • AFlying of ash contents
  • BMud slides
  • CLow temperatures on earth’s surface
  • D All of the above
  • ADistinction
  • BAnnihilation
  • CGenocide
  • DExtinction
  • AMethane
  • BHydrogen
  • CCarbon dioxide
  • DSulphur hexafluoride