• ALinguistic expression
  • BLogical presentation
  • CAbility to reproduce whatever is read
  • DComprehension of subject
  • AComprehension level
  • BApplication level
  • CKnowledge level
  • DSynthesis level
  • A Infrastructural facilities of a school
  • BClassroom system
  • CTextbooks and teaching-learning material
  • DStudent achievement level
  • AThe progress of the students should be informed to their parents
  • BA regular practice can be carried out
  • CThe students can be trained for final examinations
  • DThe remedial programme can be adopted on the basis of the feedback from the results
  • ATo assign it to intelligent students of the class
  • BTo check the answers in the class in group manner
  • CTo check them with the help of specimen answer
  • DTo check by the teacher himself in a regular way
  • ATo evaluate students continuously
  • BTo give high salary to teachers
  • CTo revise curriculum
  • DTo make good school building
  • A Their answers are different
  • BTheir results are different
  • CTheir checking is affected by examiner’s mood
  • DTheir responding styles are different
  • AContinuous and comprehensive evaluation
  • BConducting objective term end examination
  • CMaintaining cumulative records of students
  • DSemester system evaluation