Acoustics - Quiz

  • AInfrasonic waves
  • BUltrasonic waves
  • CBoth A and B
  • DNone of the above
  • AInfrasonic waves have a higher frequency than ultrasonic waves.
  • BUltrasonic waves have a higher frequency than infrasonic waves.
  • CInfrasonic waves cannot travel through solids while ultrasonic waves can.
  • DUltrasonic waves cannot travel through liquids while infrasonic waves can.
  • AHumans
  • BMosquitoes
  • CDogs
  • DAll of the above
  • AParticle velocity
  • BWave velocity
  • CBoth A and B
  • DNone of the above
  • A Medicine and healthcare
  • B Environmental conservation
  • C Social sciences and psychology
  • D Sports and recreation
  • A They amplified the sound.
  • B They prevented the deterioration of sound.
  • C They created harmonious notes.
  • D They increased the speed of sound.
  • A Galileo Galilei
  • B Isaac Newton
  • C Marin Mersenne
  • D Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī
  • A Pythagoras
  • B Galileo Galilei
  • CIsaac Newton
  • DAbū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī