• APataliputra
  • BTaxila
  • CUjjain
  • DMathura
  • AMauryan dynasty
  • BHindu dynasty
  • CMughaldynasty
  • DChola dynasty
  • ABy defeating the satraps left by Alexander the Great
  • BBy forming alliances with neighboring kingdoms
  • C By conducting trade with other regions
  • DBy using military force to conquer territories
  • AA religious ceremony
  • B A pitched battle
  • C A cultural festival
  • D A trade fair
  • AAs Sandrokottos
  • BAs Alexander
  • C As Peithon
  • D None of the above
  • AAshoka
  • BChanakya
  • CAkbar
  • D None of the above
  • APataliputra, Tosali, Ujjain, Suvarnagiri
  • BPataliputra, Ujjain, Suvarnagiri, Taxila
  • CPataliputra, Tosali, Suvarnagiri, Taxila
  • D Pataliputra, Tosali, Ujjain, Taxila
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