Queues - Quiz

  • AA data structure that allows elements to be inserted and removed in any order
  • BA data structure that allows elements to be inserted and removed from the beginning or end
  • CA data structure that allows elements to be inserted and removed from one end only
  • DA data structure that allows elements to be inserted at one end and removed from the other end
  • APush and pop
  • BInsert and delete
  • CEnqueue and dequeue
  • DSort and search
  • AArray
  • BLinked list
  • CBinary tree
  • DHash table
  • AThe queue remains unchanged
  • BAn error occurs
  • CThe front element is returned with no change to the queue
  • DThe rear element is returned with no change to the queue
  • AProcessing tasks in the order they are received
  • B Implementing a breadth-first search algorithm in a graph
  • C Storing data in a database
  • D Printing documents in the order they are sent to a printer
  • AIt allows for efficient insertion and deletion at any position
  • BIt allows for efficient searching and sorting of elements
  • C It follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle
  • DIt allows for efficient insertion and deletion at both ends
  • ASorting a list of integers
  • BFinding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph
  • C Evaluating arithmetic expressions in postfix notation
  • D Implementing a binary search algorithm
  • APriority queue
  • BCircular queue
  • CDouble-ended queue
  • DBinary queue
  • A A queue follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, while a stack follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle.
  • BA queue allows elements to be inserted and removed from both ends, while a stack only allows elements to be inserted and removed from one end.
  • CA queue is typically implemented using a linked list, while a stack is typically implemented using an array.
  • DA queue is used for breadth-first search algorithms, while a stack is used for depth-first search algorithms.