• A<pre class = "prettyprint"><xmp> <marquee> </xmp></pre>
  • B<pre class = "prettyprint"><xmp> <scroll> </xmp></pre>
  • C<pre class = "prettyprint"><xmp> <div> </xmp></pre>
  • DNone of the bove
  • AA random integer between 0 and 1
  • BA random float between 0 and 1
  • CA random float between -1 and 1
  • DNone of these
  • ASplits a string into an array of substrings
  • BJoins the elements of an array into a string
  • CRemoves whitespace from a string
  • DNone of these
  • ASorts the elements of an array in ascending order
  • B Sorts the elements of an array in descending order
  • CSorts the elements of an array in random order
  • DNone of these
  • AChecks if a value is a finite number
  • BChecks if a value is infinite
  • CChecks if a value is not a number
  • DNone of these
  • AA function that returns another function
  • BA function that takes another function as an argument
  • CA function that does both of the above
  • Dnone of these
  • Acalculates the area of a circle
  • Bconverts a string to uppercase
  • Cchecks if a string is a palindrome
  • Dsorts an array in ascending order
  • Athe global object
  • B the function itself
  • C the object that the function is a property of
  • Dthe object that the function is called on