Microsoft Word application - Quiz

  • ASelect the correct answerScenarios
  • BSize
  • CSave
  • DSpelling Check
  • ABold
  • BItalics
  • CRegular
  • DSuperscript
  • APrint a document
  • BSave a document
  • CDiscard a document
  • DNone of the above.
  • AMerge and Center
  • BCenter
  • CJustify
  • DNone of the above
  • AArial
  • BCallibri
  • CTimes New Roman
  • DAll of the Options
  • AFont Color
  • BBackground Shading
  • CPaint
  • DSmart art
  • AHome tab
  • BReview tab
  • CInsert tab
  • DNone of the options
  • AFile name
  • BFolder name
  • CMachine name
  • DNone of the above
  • A.xlsx
  • B.docx
  • C.pptx
  • DNone of the above