• Atransistors
  • Bconductors
  • CICs
  • Dvacuum tubes
  • A1st Generation
  • B2nd Generation
  • C3rd Generation
  • D4th Generation
  • Afirst generation computer
  • Bsecond generation computer
  • Cfourth generation computer
  • Dfifth generation computer
  • Amultimedia
  • Bweather forecasting
  • Crecreation
  • Dmilitary personnel
  • A A device that can perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically
  • B A device that can only perform calculations
  • CA device that can only perform logical operations
  • D A device that can only be programmed
  • A To carry out arithmetic and logical operations.
  • BTo change the order of operations in response to stored information.
  • C To retrieve information from an external source.
  • DTo enable the result of operations to be saved and retrieved.
  • ATo calculate the area of a closed figure
  • BTo solve problems in proportion, trigonometry, multiplication, and division
  • CTo predict tides in shallow waters
  • DTo perform integration