Introduction to Data Types in C - Quiz

  • ATemperature in Fahrenheit is 31.00
  • BTemperature in Fahrenheit is 46.00
  • CTemperature in Fahrenheit is 40.00
  • DTemperature in Fahrenheit is 37.00
  • A4 Bytes
  • B8 Bytes
  • C2 Bytes
  • DDepends on the system/compiler
  • Achar > int > float
  • Bint > char > float
  • Cchar < int < double
  • Ddouble > char > int
  • A(float)2.76
  • B2.76f or 2.76F
  • C2.76 itself of "float" data type i.e. nothing else required.
  • Dfloat(2.76)