Advent of Europeans - Quiz

  • AMino da Cunha
  • BMartin Alfonso de Souza
  • CFrancisco de Almeida
  • DAlfonso d'Albuquerque
  • AThe Crusades.
  • BThe Age of Exploration.
  • CThe Protestant Reformation.
  • DThe Mongol invasions from the Eurasian Steppe.
  • A48,000 years ago
  • B476 AD
  • C15th century
  • D20th century
  • AThe Renaissance
  • BThe Reformation
  • CThe Enlightenment
  • DThe Age of Discovery
  • AAn agreement that ended the First World War
  • BAn agreement that established the League of Nations
  • CAn agreement that established the European Union
  • DAn agreement that established the United Nations