- A A programming language
- B A compiler error
- C A fundamental building block of a program
- D A computer hardware component
In Java, a token is a fundamental building block of a program. It represents individual units such as keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, and punctuation that the Java compiler uses to parse the source code.
In Java, "void" is a keyword used to indicate that a method does not return any value. Keywords are reserved words with specific meanings in the Java language.
In Java, an identifier is a token used to name variables, methods, classes, and other program elements. Identifiers provide a way to uniquely identify and reference various components within a Java program.
In Java, a literal is a token representing a fixed value, such as a number, character, or string. Literals provide constant values to be used in Java programs.
Operators in Java are tokens used to perform various mathematical, logical, and relational operations on operands. They enable the manipulation of data within a Java program.
In Java, a character literal is a token used to represent a single character. It is enclosed within single quotes (e.g., 'A').
Separators in Java are tokens used to delimit and separate statements, declarations, and other program elements.
In Java, "public" is a reserved word, also known as a keyword. Reserved words have predefined meanings in the language and cannot be used as identifiers.
Comments in Java are tokens used for documenting and explaining code. They are not part of the executable code and are intended for human readers.
In Java, a string literal is a token representing a sequence of characters enclosed within double quotes (e.g., "Hello").