Azure DevOps for Beginners - Quiz

  • A$52 per user
  • B$60 per user for teams greater than five
  • Cfree for a small number of users
  • ASelect the card title, which opens a screen where you can select Add tag.
  • BSelect either State or Area Path, which opens a window where you can select Add tag.
  • CSelect one of the tags on the card, and then select Add a new tag.
  • AThe first number is the number of work items in the Code Review columns, while the second number is the Work in Progress (WIP) limit.
  • BThe first number is the maximum number of Work in Progress items allowed, and the second number is how many items are left to be done.
  • CThe first number is the number of work items in the Doing column, and the second number is how many work items are done.
  • ASelect Organization Settings > Project configuration.
  • BSelect Project Settings > Project configuration.
  • CSelect Project Settings > Overview.
  • ASelect Configure, choose your widget from the list, and then select Add > Save.
  • BSelect the ellipsis located near Refresh, select Configure, choose your widget, and then select Save.
  • CSelect Edit, search for your desired widget, and then select Add > Done Editing.
  • Aa visual and interactive work item tracking system used to manage software projects
  • Ba collection of engineering, management, service, and improvement practices commonly used in government contracts
  • Ca visual aid to help teams focus on work quality to meet certain quality standards before being considered complete
  • AUnder Source Control > Branches, choose the changes made and then press Ctrl+Enter (Windows) or Command+Return (Mac) to commit.
  • BIn the message box under Source Control, type a commit message and then select the checkmark.
  • CRight-click the file with the changes, and then select Add Changes from the drop-down menu.