Program of stack using linked list
Data Structure Stack Data Structure (Article) Stack Data Structure (Program)
/* Program of stack using linked list*/ #include #include struct node { int info; struct node *link; }*top=NULL; void push(int item); int pop(); int peek(); int isEmpty(); void display(); main() { int choice,item; while(1) { printf("1.Push\n"); printf("2.Pop\n"); printf("3.Display item at the top\n"); printf("4.Display all items of the stack\n"); printf("5.Quit\n"); printf("Enter your choice : ") ; scanf("%d", &choice); switch(choice) { case 1: printf("Enter the item to be pushed : "); scanf("%d",&item); push(item); break; case 2: item=pop(); printf("Popped item is : %d\n",item); break; case 3: printf("Item at the top is %d\n",peek()); break; case 4: display(); break; case 5: exit(1); default : printf("Wrong choice\n"); }/*End of switch */ }/*End of while */ }/*End of main() */ void push(int item) { struct node *tmp; tmp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(tmp==NULL) { printf("Stack Overflow\n"); return; } tmp->info=item; tmp->link=top; top=tmp; }/*End of push()*/ int pop() { struct node *tmp; int item; if( isEmpty() ) { printf("Stack Underflow\n"); exit(1); } tmp=top; item=tmp->info; top=top->link; free(tmp); return item; }/*End of pop()*/ int peek() { if( isEmpty() ) { printf("Stack Underflow\n"); exit(1); } return top->info; }/*End of peek() */ int isEmpty() { if(top == NULL) return 1; else return 0; }/*isEmpty()*/ void display() { struct node *ptr; ptr=top; if(isEmpty()) { printf("Stack is empty\n"); return; } printf("Stack elements :\n\n"); while(ptr!=NULL) { printf(" %d\n",ptr->info); ptr=ptr->link; } printf("\n"); }/*End of display()*/
1.Push 2.Pop 3.Display item at the top 4.Display all items of the stack 5.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the item to be pushed : 12 1.Push 2.Pop 3.Display item at the top 4.Display all items of the stack 5.Quit Enter your choice : 1 Enter the item to be pushed : 13 1.Push 2.Pop 3.Display item at the top 4.Display all items of the stack 5.Quit Enter your choice : 4 Stack elements : 13 12 1.Push 2.Pop 3.Display item at the top 4.Display all items of the stack 5.Quit Enter your choice : 2 Popped item is : 13 1.Push 2.Pop 3.Display item at the top 4.Display all items of the stack 5.Quit Enter your choice : 4 Stack elements : 12 1.Push 2.Pop 3.Display item at the top 4.Display all items of the stack 5.Quit Enter your choice : 5 Press any key to continue . . .
Stack implementation using the link list
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