C Program to print the prime factors using recursion

C Programming Language Recursion in c (Article) Recursion in c (Program)


If you don't know what is prime number please read form this tutorial. Prime Number & Prime Factors


void PFactors( int num);
void IPFactors( int n);
main( )
	int num;
	printf("Enter a number : ");
	scanf("%d", &num);
	PFactors(num); printf("\n");
	IPFactors(num); printf("\n");
}/*End of main()*/

void PFactors( int num)
int i = 2;
if( num == 1 )
	while( num%i != 0 )
	printf("%d ", i);

}/*End of PFactors()*/

void IPFactors( int num)
int i;
for( i = 2; num!=1; i++)
	while( num%i == 0 )
	printf("%d ", i);
	num = num/i;
}/*End of IPFactors()*/


Enter a number : 145
5 29
5 29
Press any key to continue . . .


Program to print the prime factors using recursion

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