Program to display arithmetic operator using switch case
C Programming Language Decision Making of C Language (Article) Decision Making of C Language (Program)
/* Program to display arithmetic operator using switch case. Author: Atnyla Developer */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a,b,n,s,m,su,d; printf("enter two no's : "); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); printf("enter 1 for sum\n2 for multiply\n3for subtraction\n4 for division: \n"); printf("....................."); scanf("%d",&n); switch(n) { case 1: s=a+b; printf("sum=%d \n",s); break; case 2: m=a*b; printf("multiply=%d \n",m); break; case 3: su=a-b; printf("subtraction=%d \n",su); break; case 4: d=a/b; printf("divission=%d \n",d); break; default: printf("wrong input \n"); break; } }
Output 1 enter two no's : 2 5 enter 1 for sum 2 for multiply 3for subtraction 4 for division: .....................1 sum=7 Press any key to continue . . . Output 2 enter two no's : 2 5 enter 1 for sum 2 for multiply 3for subtraction 4 for division: .....................2 multiply=10 Press any key to continue . . . Output 3 enter two no's : 2 5 enter 1 for sum 2 for multiply 3for subtraction 4 for division: .....................3 subtraction=-3 Press any key to continue . . . Output 4 enter two no's : 8 2 enter 1 for sum 2 for multiply 3for subtraction 4 for division: .....................4 divission=4 Press any key to continue . . .
Program to display arithmetic operator using switch case
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