Count the occurrence of each element from a list

Python Python List (Article) Python List (Program)


Write a program to iterate a given list and count the occurrence of each element and create a dictionary to show the count of each element.

Given Input:

sample_list = [11, 45, 8, 11, 23, 45, 23, 45, 89]

Expected Output:

Printing count of each item   {11: 2, 45: 3, 8: 1, 23: 2, 89: 1}


sample_list = [11, 45, 8, 11, 23, 45, 23, 45, 89]
print("Original list ", sample_list)

count_dict = dict()
for item in sample_list:
    if item in count_dict:
        count_dict[item] += 1
        count_dict[item] = 1

print("Printing count of each item  ", count_dict)


Original list  [11, 45, 8, 11, 23, 45, 23, 45, 89]
Printing count of each item   {11: 2, 45: 3, 8: 1, 23: 2, 89: 1}



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