Select the RetailCube aggregate measurement in the Entity Store page and select Refresh.
Use the Import option in the SQL Server Database dialog box.
Publish the report to PowerBI.com and pin it to the client.
The correct steps to connect Power BI Desktop to the local Entity Store database and create a report are to start Power BI Desktop, select Get Data > SQL Server, enter '.' as the server name and 'AxDW' as the database name, and select the DirectQuery option, then select OK in the SQL Server Database dialog box, select the RetailCube_RetailTransDetailsView table in the Navigator dialog box and select Load, and finally create the report by dragging measures and fields to the canvas, and explore data and trends interactively. The Import option in the SQL Server Database dialog box is not currently supported. Selecting the RetailCube aggregate measurement in the Entity Store page and selecting Refresh is not necessary for this task. Publishing the report to PowerBI.com and pinning it to the client is a step for integrating the report into a demo environment, not for creating a report in the development environment.
Develop and integrate Microsoft Power Platform - Training | Microsoft Learn
Create analytical reports by using Power BI Desktop - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn