What are the basic objectives of the Database?

Long Answer
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A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to serve many users quickly and efficiently. The general objective is to make information access easy. Quick, inexpensive, and flexible for the user. In data base design, several specific objectives are considered.

  • (i) Controlled Redundancy
  • (ii) Ease of Learning and Use
  • (iii) Data Independence
  • (iv) Most Information in Low Cost
  • (v) Accuracy and Integrity
  • (vi) Recovery from failure
  • (vii) Privacy and Security
  • (viii) Performance

  1. Controlled Redundancy: The objective of controlled redundancy in a database is to store each piece of data only once, in order to reduce the amount of storage space required and to avoid inconsistencies that may occur if data is duplicated. However, controlled redundancy may be used in some cases to improve performance and to provide data redundancy for disaster recovery purposes.

  2. Ease of Learning and Use: The objective of ease of learning and use in a database is to provide an interface that is intuitive and easy to understand, so that users can easily interact with the database to perform tasks such as querying, adding, deleting, and modifying data. This objective is important to ensure that users can work effectively with the database and to minimize the risk of user error.

  3. Data Independence: The objective of data independence in a database is to allow applications to access and manipulate data without being affected by changes to the underlying data storage structures. This provides flexibility and reduces maintenance costs, as changes to the data storage structures can be made without affecting the applications that use them.

  4. Most Information in Low Cost: The objective of keeping most information in low cost in a database is to minimize the cost of storage and processing resources required to maintain the database. This can be achieved by using efficient data storage and retrieval techniques, and by minimizing the amount of redundant data stored.

  5. Accuracy and Integrity: The objective of accuracy and integrity in a database is to ensure that the data stored in the database is correct, complete, and consistent. This is achieved by enforcing data validation rules, such as data type, length, and format, and by using transaction processing to ensure that data changes are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable.

  6. Recovery from Failure: The objective of recovery from failure in a database is to ensure that the database can be restored to a consistent state in the event of a failure, such as a hardware or software failure, or a power outage. This is achieved by using backup and recovery techniques, such as periodic data backups, and by implementing transaction logging and rollback mechanisms.

  7. Privacy and Security: The objective of privacy and security in a database is to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data stored in the database. This is achieved by implementing access controls, such as user authentication and authorization, and by using encryption and other security measures to prevent unauthorized access, modification, and disclosure of sensitive data.

  8. Performance: The objective of performance in a database is to ensure that the database can process data efficiently and quickly, even under high load conditions. This is achieved by using efficient data structures and algorithms, optimizing database queries and indexing, and using caching and other performance optimization techniques.

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