What is the purpose of the sys module in Python?

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The sys module in Python provides access to some variables and functions that are used or maintained by the Python interpreter. The purpose of the sys module is to provide a way for Python programs to interact with and make use of various features of the underlying operating system and the Python runtime environment.

Some of the most commonly used features of the sys module include:

  • sys.argv: A list of command line arguments passed to the script.

  • sys.version: A string containing the version number of the Python interpreter.

  • sys.path: A list of strings that specifies the search path for modules.

  • sys.exit(n): A function that terminates the script with a status code of n.

  • sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr: File objects that represent the standard input, output, and error streams.

The sys module is often used in various types of scripts, such as command-line utilities, system administration scripts, and other types of scripts that need to interact with the operating system. It provides a convenient way for Python programs to access system-level information and functionality, making it easier for developers to create portable, cross-platform scripts.

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