What is the purpose of the yield keyword in Python?

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The yield keyword in Python is used in generator functions to produce a sequence of values. Unlike regular functions that return a single value using the return keyword, generator functions use yield to return a series of values, one at a time, each time the function is called.

A generator function is defined like a regular function, but instead of using return to return a value, it uses yield. When the generator function is called, it returns a generator object that can be iterated over to produce the sequence of values produced by yield.

Here's an example of a generator function that generates the squares of numbers:

def squares(limit):
    for i in range(limit):
        yield i**2

for i in squares(5):

# Output: 
# 0
# 1
# 4
# 9
# 16

The purpose of using yield in generator functions is to allow you to generate a sequence of values without having to store all the values in memory at once. This can be useful when working with large sequences of data or when you only need to process values one at a time.

In addition, generator functions are lazy, meaning that they do not start generating values until you start iterating over the generator object. This can lead to improved performance and memory usage in some cases.

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